Tablet....might be asking for one for my bithday this year, now what kind?

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Tablet....might be asking for one for my bithday this year, now what kind?

What is a good kind of tablet that works fine but is not too, too expensive??? I have Adobe Photoshop if that is of any help. I don't know to much about Tablets yet besides the fact don't have to use your mouse to draw.(super yes!) :D What are some things you can do with tablets, besides simply drawing and coloring? Alright, any thing you post wil be of help. Thanks a lot!

I just got a tablet for xmas. Wacom intuos 6x8. It really is easier to paint even for simple things that a mouse can do.

Basically once you plug in your tablet it BECOMES the mouse. So you use it for anything and everything you want on the computer. (you can still use the regular mouse thats plugged in)

The tablet allowes your brush strokes to go from thick and thin depending on the pressure you use and..well....paint or draw pencil style.

There are PLENTY of these tablet threads around. You should search for those. Even check out They have a little questionare to see what tablet is right for you. Im replying mainly because i just got one. So i know the questions you may have and what your thinkin. You just have to use it to get your questions answered i found. I love the thing now. Good fun in photoshop and mine came with some nifty brushes!

"who wouldn't want to make stuff for me? I'm awesome." -Bloo