Hi everyone,
please take a look at my first animated shortfilm. It took me a year to finish at the University of Arts and Design in Kassel, Germany.
A man is being disturbed by strange noises. In order to go to sleep he tries to eliminate them. Will he finally get some rest?
Please post any critique. Thanks alot.
for those who cant or wont want to download a big file, id suggest compressing this for different types of connections as you can in Premiere right down to 128kbps.
it looks interesting.
Greetings from Germany
Jaja, die deutschen Sorry, bei mir läds einfach zu lange...... würd deinen Short gerne sehen :/
Ok, worked now! Very very cool! I really love the facial expressions, and the story is a very nice idea. The arty slowness and the dark atmosphere are awsome!
Very nice, I have to agree with skinnylizard, you should make a much smaller file. Keep up the great work.
Nice work man! Awesome!
...thanks for your answers guys! sorry for the big file, i just didn't want people to look at it in a smaller size. but i guess i'll make another one :)