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Seasonal Animations!!!!!

By ezromation | Sunday, December 11, 2005 at 4:26am

websiteEzromation blog/doodlesDeranged Scratchings

Its time to get seasonal so post up your animated christmas sentiments

please note, Bah Humbug!! is also a christmas sentiment

ezromation's picture

websiteEzromation blog/doodlesDeranged Scratchings

phacker's picture
Submitted by phacker on

Ezro how big is your file. I am on dialup and I've tried twice, but I had to abort mid stream to do other things. If I knew how big it was I might wait for it to download.

Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.

bluehickey's picture
Submitted by bluehickey on

This was pretty funny and sad at the same time. This animation was done as one of many animations to have Santa claus calling a child at home. Funny because of the outcome, but sad for the parents who shelled out good money to have someone call as Santa and then have the child change her mind all of the sudden:

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ezromation's picture
Submitted by ezromation on

Ezro how big is your file. I am on dialup and I've tried twice, but I had to abort mid stream to do other things. If I knew how big it was I might wait for it to download.

Dont even go there with a dial up, broad band only, it still takes 1 minute to load with broad band, I think its 6 mb

websiteEzromation blog/doodlesDeranged Scratchings

phacker's picture
Submitted by phacker on

I finally got to see your cyclops saying HoHoHo...pretty good. Blue's card is great also. Here's my last card from last year. Haven't done much new lately. But I did take some time and smooth out a little of the animation. It's a little over 590k. It still conveys my wish for this Holiday season, no matter what faith you aspire to. Wishing everyone the best of the season and the best of humankind, they are both the same anyway.

Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.