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Game Design students project looking for 3D artists

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Game Design students project looking for 3D artists

Hello everyone!
I know i posted it elswhere in the forum, but i thought i would be luckier here!
My name is Florence, and i am a french student in Game Design and Production Management at SupinfoGame.
In order to complete a 2 year diploma my team and I (4 people) have to present a video game prototype in front of a jury of porfessionals in june 2006.
We have the concept, and the pre production is about to be over, but we have no 3D artists in our team.

I can breafly pitch you the game:
>System_ is a Survival Strategy game, the player incarnates an Artificial Intelligence. After some malfunctions (or so it seems) in the complexe where it evolves, the board of directors decides to hire an agent in order to track this AI down throughout the network. The player as an AI has to manipulate electric and informatic network in order to set itself free.

Inspirations: Uplink, Darwinia, Neuromancer by William Gibson.

So far we are looking for any kind of graphic help (scientists models, biologic laboratory meshes etc)

You can reach me via msn:, or via mail:
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Thank you for your attention!


I would suggest asking this in There are many more 3d aritst in that forum.

Many thanks Bsmith!
Copy that, i'm on my way :)

3D game development

3D game development nowadays opens up a wide range of possibilities for creating exciting and visually stunning virtual worlds. Modern tools and technologies allow developers to realize complex scenarios, dynamic graphic effects and realistic character animations. The ability to create high-quality 3D models and textures, as well as the use of photorealistic engines, raise the quality of game content to a new level. In addition, the development of 3D games provides space for the introduction of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR), which expands the boundaries of player interaction with the virtual world. This is an important step in the evolution of gamemade, providing the gaming industry with endless opportunities for creativity and innovation.

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