"Halloween" Zombie Trailer: 1 Minute

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"Halloween" Zombie Trailer: 1 Minute

Just in time for Halloween, check out this animated cartoon zombie trailer if you get a minute (1 minute trailer of an old guy kicking zombie @ss). Thanks, and keep drawing! Warning: Things get a little gory.


City of Rott Trailer.

HOLY CRUD! :eek: :eek: :eek:
James :eek:

Lol! Is that a good thing, or a bad thing Spooze?

lol kinda in the middle.
It looks like a cool story but I think you could use a little less gore...
That's the goryest animation I've evder seen lol.
James :taz:

lol kinda in the middle.
It looks like a cool story but I think you could use a little less gore...
That's the goryest animation I've evder seen lol.
James :taz:

Actually, that's what I was going for, being a big fan of Romero's Day of the Dead. Over-kill, over-the-top, just the way I like my zombie movies to be. If you've ever seen the last 20 minutes of Day of the Dead, you'll know where my inspiration came from.

Thanks for the feedback, and Happy Halloween!

there's something that just kinda bugs me with the style, i can't quite put my finger on it.....the gore and stuff is kinda cool, and the sheer ammount of work that's gone into this. my issue aside it's quite impressive.

Website http://dapper-dandy.com

Cartoon Syndicate project

Love the style!!! Love it all! Looks great.. Can't wait to see it...And I dont think it has too much gore... It kinda reminds me of Splatterhouse mixed with Metal Slug and Resident Evil... Good StuFF!