to piggyback on the "any good books" thread:
the lion, the witch and the wardrobe is coming out soon. i just finished all 7 books and am amazed at how animatable the stories are.
why haven't they been done before?
or have they and i just don't know about it?
and if it's the religious aspects i have to say that "davey and goliath" was equally if not more religious and i can't recall anyone having issues with that.
Why yes there has been
Oh yes, there was an animated version. But its very very old. Also the BBC put out live action versions of Wardrobe, The Silver Chair, Prince Caspian, and I'm pretty sure The Voyage of the Dawn Tredor.
I personally loved them. Check them out if you get a chance.
Black Anvil Designs©
i thought the animated lion witch and the wardrobe from the late 70s was a fantastic rendition, but i can't wait for the new movie.
i saw a "making of" special on tv last week, it's going to be good.
i just hope nothing is toned down or edited out,
the books are short enough to that the movies can stay entirely true to them, unlike the lotr which were a bit more epic.
Cool stuff. The books were awesome.