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catie's portfolio & short film

By catielee | Friday, September 30, 2005 at 6:20am

Hi, my name's catie lee and im 22. i just graduated from a CG school in Paris. i mostly do modeling, texturing, lighting and compositing, but no animation. i also do matte paintings, colorization and character design.
here's my portfolio 2D/3D :

and the link to my lastest short film website :

thanks for visiting and hope you'll enjoy it :p

tehfuzzbomb's picture

nice stuff!
i mistook some of your 2d paintings for 3d renders.
you're very talented.

catielee's picture
Submitted by catielee on

SpaceGhost2K > err.. thanx :rolleyes:

tehfuzzbomb > your message made me really very happy !

pascal's picture
Submitted by pascal on

hi catie lee!

great stuff on your site
I took a look at your animation ( les fantaisies de margot).
's really nice start.
are you going to keep it two d/3d or is it going to be all three d?

I'm just saying this because when she is in her dream land, i'd love to see more than just the three d aspect of it..

I especially like your two d work( duh!)
A cross beween some Myasaki and haussman, even a bit of nicolas de crecy .
it's charming and unsual.
It is also still developping.
Quite nice work!

keep going, you're on a very nice path

Geoff P Edwards's picture

Hi Catie,

I watched your demo reel. I would love to collaborate if you need sound or voices sometime.

Best of luck with your career.

"The dog is Cerberus, the girl Zoe, I'm Dirge"

catielee's picture
Submitted by catielee on

thank you guys, i really apreciate you like my work

and yea i'll keep on mixing 2d/3d, always