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Bandita Gallery

By Bandita | Saturday, September 3, 2005 at 12:47pm

As I'm now finally a proud owner of Col Erase pencils *yipiiiiieeeee*, I thought that would be a good reason to open a sketch gallery too.

I will not only post my good drawings, the bad ones too, hoping to find solutions for my problems and to improve my style.

I'm looking forward to your comments to learn as much as possible from all you gifted an experienced arstits.

Cartuneman/John's picture

I love these line test. So how do you finish these? are you going to hand paint each cell or are you doing it on the computer? I'm real curious and for your voice track and timing what are you using or going to use?


Bandita's picture
Submitted by Bandita on

Thank you nonsense! Yes I saw that too, beginning the pictures in black and white. I start by the main colors though. Then I draw the shadows and then the highlights. I try to find the right colors by myself, that's the main thing about my speedpaintings. I don't use the color-picker...
Here some sketches... non-digital :))
Greetz, Viola

Cartuneman/John's picture


Thats really cool ....I love the walk cycle too and when he turns to look up at the teacher hand him his disgraceful work hahaha the look in the lil chicks face. (well, thats how I was imagining it). Love it ....Love it ...Love it! By the way, how do you or what do you film this with to get it to your computer?


Jabberwocky's picture

I saw the "Elvis" today (after only being able to catch the end on December 24th because they made me stay at work so long) - very, very nicely done, and congrats on making the credits as 3D scene planner and compositor. Did you really do all the layouts and camera moves?

Bandita's picture
Submitted by Bandita on

Thank you Christoph! yeah, that was my work (including camera movements ;)) I had help from our postpro assistent but the major part was my work...
Maybe you'll recieve a DVD with an embarassing Making of....... :o

Heather Kilber's picture

I gotta say, some great work here. ;) Love to see more!

Doctor Daman's picture

Please draw less attractive cartoon women. You're making some of us feel like perverts.
Joke. Hehe.

Anyway, VERY nice work.
Can I have your contact details for future reference (I write animation, not proffesionally)?

"We in the club doin' the same ol' two step, gorilla unit, 'cause they say we bugged out, 'cause we don't go nowhere without toast."


Now you listen to me, Mr. Cent, you wanna make it in this buisness, lay off the doobie!

Bandita's picture
Submitted by Bandita on

Sure, just send an E-Mail: Viola[at]

Please draw less attractive cartoon women. You're making some of us feel like perverts.
Joke. Hehe.

Anyway, VERY nice work.
Can I have your contact details for future reference (I write animation, not proffesionally)?

Doctor Daman's picture

Oh dear god you're a Nazi.
Cheap joke, sorry.

"We in the club doin' the same ol' two step, gorilla unit, 'cause they say we bugged out, 'cause we don't go nowhere without toast."


Now you listen to me, Mr. Cent, you wanna make it in this buisness, lay off the doobie!

DIEMERAS Dark Angel's picture

As I'm now finally a proud owner of Col Erase pencils *yipiiiiieeeee*, I thought that would be a good reason to open a sketch gallery too.

I will not only post my good drawings, the bad ones too, hoping to find solutions for my problems and to improve my style.

I'm looking forward to your comments to learn as much as possible from all you gifted an experienced arstits.

Great work...keep it up!;)

He who seeks the truth, must first empty his heart of a false pursuit.

Diemeras Dark Angel

Jabberwocky's picture
Submitted by Jabberwocky on

Movement! I want movement!
(Those two sketches work well together the way you intended them to, as can be seen in your blog.)
Hey, do a pirate! One for "my" crew. :D I'm starting to get all bouncy about PotC 3!

Cartuneman/John's picture

Hi Bandita,

First off, I wanted to say thank you for visiting my gallery. You also mentioned the quality of my work. Again I blush:rolleyes: and appreciate what you think of my work. I can't wait till I can afford better software and all the fun animation software. I too, like all of your work. I can speak for everyone here. We wanna see more! Merry christmas and happy holidays!


Katana's picture
Submitted by Katana on

Nice style. I think you need one or two more tighter layers to bring in some detail on the fur and cloth, but other than that you got some toons there.

Bandita's picture
Submitted by Bandita on

I just finished my first own animation short. Tomorrow we'll record the synchro and foleys. THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR ADVICES AND SUPPORT.
Hope, to put it online soon.

Cartuneman/John's picture


Goody, goody, goody:D I can't wait, my whiddle heart is pounding!!!!!!!!!! wiff antisipation!

No Really I am very anxious to see it...... I'll be waiting
I bet your full of butterflies too. I'm excited for you.


Jabberwocky's picture

I live in Germany - I'll get a copy on disk! Good for me!

londonbridge's picture

sooo awesome! lisa and patrick, and the first lady after the mouse are my favorites. i love it, soo awesome!

KalEl118's picture
Submitted by KalEl118 on

Great job. Was checking out your blog and found it extremely inspiring. Looking forward to seeing more.


Jabberwocky's picture

My, he sure is wearing baggy clothes.
Back in Frankfurt again? How are work and applications coming?

Jabberwocky's picture
Submitted by Jabberwocky on

I agree. Clever use of the dolly-in in combination with the background blur. Oh wait, I wasn't even supposed to see that as it's really cartuneman's scene. (Things I need: hole punch and/or life supply of pre-punched animation paper and a better compositing program. If anyone wants to generously tip the dragon dork, now is the time!)

Thunderobot's picture

Glad its finished. :D

I WANT TO SEE IT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(

Jabberwocky's picture

At last! :D
Now that's some solidly cartoony stuff. Good proportions, pose and expression in the first one!

Jabberwocky's picture

From that live-action project, yes? I like the very first one best, a lot of character in that one. Did you work off actors?

Thunderobot's picture
Submitted by Thunderobot on

I really like the girl in the bathing suit. :D i especially like her face and her proportions around the waist.

It's nice to see a woman who animates.

musimation's picture
Submitted by musimation on

Wow, these are all really good, I specially like the mouse sketch :)

Bandita's picture
Submitted by Bandita on

Sometimes it's really amazing how you look at old work you did and you feel embarassed because you think "why the hell was I satisfied with this, when I did it???!??"
I feel this way, when I see some of the following...
(all) this is some of the work I did for Los Banditos Films just a year ago... Can't believe it
But fortunately you can develop your skills.....

and my very first storyboard and first cutting project I did... really bad... :mad:

"Storyboard Clip
zu Franky Kubricks "Rücken zur Wand"


Ahhhh, and I found another section. This is my first Comic magazine I did (70 pages). But I think the site doesn't work yet properly...

Thunderobot's picture
Submitted by Thunderobot on

the storyboard honestly looks great.I dont see why your ashamed (but i understand the feeling) :D

Bandita's picture
Submitted by Bandita on

Thank you Thunder, yeah, some of em I like still, but others....
But it's also a good feeling to see that you're able to grow...

the storyboard honestly looks great.I dont see why your ashamed (but i understand the feeling) :D
