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my first cartoon (not flash)

hey everyone i finally got my carton loaded on the internet.Its for my dads birthday and is completley hand drawn,inked,scanned in,digitally colored,and edited on the computer.Please enjoy

ohh and keep in mind that i just turned 14 :D

kdiddy13's picture
Submitted by kdiddy13 on

Ha! That's awesome! I love the character design (the wiggly fingers are great) and the lip synch works great. The voice work is excellent. Very impressive.

I love the Birthday song too (no copyright problems there). The look your dad gives when you tell him there is no guitar is perfect. Very nice comic timing. The credits are hysterical. I actually giggled out loud.

If anything this is a pretty strong argument to increase your allowance. I hope to see more from you.

Producing solidily ok animation since 2001.

Now with more doodling!

wontobe's picture
Submitted by wontobe on

That was a nice piece. I need to get some done soon.

Graphiteman's picture
Submitted by Graphiteman on

That was pretty darned good, never mind "14". I'd be thrilled if I was made an animation for my birthday must your dad.
WHat was funky thing with the hands of the siblings atthe begining; what were you trying to do?

Thunderobot's picture
Submitted by Thunderobot on

lol i dont know exactly

i guess i wanted a sence of anticipation and dint know how to get it.The hands seemed to signify anticipation.

thanks for the compliments :D

kdiddy13's picture
Submitted by kdiddy13 on

I definitely got the sense of anticipation. And with relatively minimal effort, the fingers add quite a bit of life to what otherwise might have been relatively static characters.

You now have a problem, as does anyone who entertains me, I want to see more. :D

Producing solidily ok animation since 2001.

Now with more doodling!

Thunderobot's picture

I definitely got the sense of anticipation. And with relatively minimal effort, the fingers add quite a bit of life to what otherwise might have been relatively static characters.

You now have a problem, as does anyone who entertains me, I want to see more. :D

hey fork over some cash and can make a b day animation for you lol :D

actually i already have an idea for my next cartoon.There are a few more things a need to learn about before i make it because i want it to be alot more proffesional.

Graphiteman's picture

I would add becasue you have a Flash preloader, obviously it was imported to Flash. Why not do your future animation entirely in Flash?

Thunderobot's picture
Submitted by Thunderobot on

because i hate the way flash looks.MY future cartoons are ment to be short films.I wanted to put this one on the internet to show people what i can do and see if they like it.I think flash is too clean and i love the traditional style of animation.

Flash doesnt move the same way traditional does either.I just hate it as a tool.Traditional is just my style and i love working with it. :D

kdiddy13's picture
Submitted by kdiddy13 on

Good enough with your response on Flash. Do what you love.

And I can't wait to see your next animation. Professional or not, I was really entertained by your piece.

Producing solidily ok animation since 2001.

Now with more doodling!

Animated Ape's picture

That was really cute Thunderobot. 14? Hell, I was still WATCHING cartoons at 14 never mind animating them!

The fingers did distract me, I was trying to figure out what they were doing. It was really cool though, and I look forward to seeing more of your work in the near future.

Oh, and about Flash, check out Pascal's animaton posting here in the show and tell. I don't think his work would be considered typical Flash animation. Or even check out my demo reel. But hey, if you don't like Flash, that cool, just trying to offer up different options.

the Ape

...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."

pascal's picture
Submitted by pascal on

hey thunderobot!!
great stuff!
love it!
as far as flash goes... I never did fall in love with the symbol stuff...but, as far as traditionnal animation goes... you can wonder with this software...and it is suposed to get even better at that to!


NOOB!'s picture
Submitted by NOOB! on

hey thunderobot!!
great stuff!
love it!
as far as flash goes... I never did fall in love with the symbol stuff...but, as far as traditionnal animation goes... you can wonder with this software...and it is suposed to get even better at that to!


when flash creates pen or pencil pressure tools *not size pressure* like in photoshop or alias sketchbook,that will be the day.

Thunderobot's picture

You know i seen animation ape's and pascal's work and it was really good.I have to say i liked pascal's work better (no offence animation ape :D ).Passcal your animation is very styleized and retro and flash excels at it.Unfortunatley my animation style is not stylized enough to translate well to flash.Everything i see in flash that i really like is styleized.Everything else i consider lesser than traditional(with a few exceptions).My style while not fully developed im hoping will eventually look more and more like Chuck Jone's style.Everything i have seen that was in a classic style(chuck jone's-ish) i have been very un-impressed with(iv seen timberwolf,and john k's flash stuff) and so i dont think it works well in flash.

Animation ape i like your stuff but my style really doesnt work in flash.I just dont think flash does very well with animation unless its heavily styleized.My style isnt stylized and so i feel traditional best suits my need's.I also know that one day flash will look as good as traditional and because of this when it happens i would like to be one of those guys who still persues traditional just to keep it alive.I just love the entire process involved in traditional.

please dont be bothered by my comments its just my opinions and your stuff still looks great animation ape keep it up. :D

pascal you are like the best flash guy i have ever seen i dont think your stuff would look any better traditional keep it up :D

kdiddy13's picture
Submitted by kdiddy13 on

I hope you don't feel you have to justify why you don't use Flash, or any other tool. As an artist, it's your decision on what tools to use. The others were merely suggesting that you check it out, not that you need to use it. I imagine you get that, but I just wanted to make sure.


Producing solidily ok animation since 2001.

Now with more doodling!

Thunderobot's picture

I realize that.It was more of an observation than anything i was merly explaning that pascal excel's at flash and the reason he does is that his style is very stylized.I kinda learned something from pascal today which is that styleized animation looks better in flash than it does in traditional.

I was kinda amazed at his work and i have seen good flash before but could never hit on why some flash was good and some was bad.Looking at pascal's stuff i noticed that stylized is what makes the diffrence.If your characters are really detailed i dont think flash handles them well.

I love stylized but it truley isnt my thing.Certain cartoons look great stylized and i could see myslef doing a stylized cartoon but it reqires a certain type of writing.So far the writing in my cartoon and my next one isnt an outlet for stylized animation and if i dont do stylized i kinda think traditional is a much better tool for me.

My style is kinda transforming into a classic cartoon style in the tradition of chuck jones,hanna barbera,and john k.Generally these classic cartoon are very detailed and i just dont think they look great in flash format.Just view this cartoon by ren and stimpy creator john k somehow i feel it would be better in a traditional animation.Or look at chuck jones timberwolf keep in mind he made one froggy evening.

More than justifying myself i think i have just disovered an important view of flash animation and its just kind of interesting look on flash and i kinda wonder if anyone else has a similar opinion?

kdiddy13's picture
Submitted by kdiddy13 on

I think you're mistaken about Pascal's work. It could easily be created using a stack of paper and scanning it in to the computer. Flash is just his chosen tool. But you're right it is stylized.

It's funny that you would mention Hannah-Barbera. Their later work (Flintstones, Jetsons, etc.) would work very well in Flash and actually serves for many as an example of how to use limited animation to create entertaining animation. The techniques are certainly applicable to Flash and other programs that allow for the easy re-use of animation elements.

Though, I imagine you were referring to their earlier work on things like Tom and Jerry (an extremely expensive, if beautiful, style for completing animation).

Producing solidily ok animation since 2001.

Now with more doodling!

Thunderobot's picture

Suprisingly john k has re-created hanna barbera cartoons in flash take a look personally again i dont think it worked well in flash but hey thats just me. :D

i realize that pascalls work could be done traditionally but i have to hand it to him flash does appear to be the ultimate tool for stylized animation. :D

NOOB!'s picture
Submitted by NOOB! on

weren't john k's latest ren and stimpy episode done in flash?,they look like it.

traditional is my first love too,its just looks better,i agree everything is way too sharp in there,when u cell shade characters it doesn't blend! gggrrr,but,it is a vector program,so :D

i'm glad sumone still has the patience to do traditional,are u guna try and get in cal or van arts when ur older?

Animated Ape's picture

I have to say i liked pascal's work better (no offence animation ape :D ).

No worries. I like his work better too. :)

Just keep doing what you're doing Thunder, no matter what medium you choose.

the Ape

...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."

pascal's picture
Submitted by pascal on

the style issue.. yeah..
the reason why my stuff is so stylised is because i am aiming for simplicity
i do everything in stickk figure character which in itself is a style i suppose.

But.. i've done a few spots that were actully" traditionnaly" animated with flash, and we worked on a cartoon network spot featuring the camp laszlo guys that was done in flash ..for this last one, we had to MIMICK traditionnal animation.
because of time and budget we couldn't afford to do it on paper...
but , the whole process was the same
storyboards, line test, in betweens, clean up, coloring...
the whole shctick!

the agency was not able to tell the difference between the flash and the traditional!

now. that's not to say that you NEED to do flash.. you may not even like it..
i have friends that really canno't stand the vector tools or the way the brush gets" fixed" .. but.. at your age, you defintely NEED to take a look at it!

that's just my two cents!

oh.. and ape??
I looooooooooooooooooooooove that show and i'm jealous of all you guys !!

Thunderobot's picture

Well because of your work pascal, i need to go buy a tablet and work on some stylized animation lol.I love your stuff because the style works so well in flash other style's dont look very good in flash.If i do use flash it will be stylized just because i love stylized and flash excels at it.Thnaks so much for showing my pascal's work animation ape you opened my doors a little on flash. :D

and pascal keep up the killer work(my favorite animation is tomatoe) :D