Maya Artist want to move to Vancuover.

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Maya Artist want to move to Vancuover.

Hello Everybody !

Let me first introduce myself. My name is Sonu Gupta. I am a Maya Artist. I am working in the software since last 3 years. I am an Indian.

I want to move to Canada. I have submitted my application for Permanent Residence Visa for Canada. To get the PR Visa for Canada it would take 2-3 years. But I could move to Canada before that period if I get Work Visa. And to get the Work Visa I must have job offer letter from a Canadian studio.

I have sent my CV and my work/demo reel to lots of Canadian studios, but till date I have not received any positive response from anybody. I have even told them that they don't have to do any thing, they just have to send me a job offer letter, I would carry all my relocation expenses, all paper works would be done by my lawyer David Cohen who is from Montreal.

As far my standard of work is concerned, I am very sure about it.

I would appreciate it, if anybody out there could provide me their invaluable suggestions regarding this.

Thank you
Sonu Gupta

Well, if you been sending in samples of your work and have not gotten any responses then the various studios simply might not be interested in you.

See, sponsoring you for a work visa means they actually have to hire you, its not just a matter of them signing off on the docet and you coming over.
If they make the offer and you do NOT work for them, by their choice or yours, then TECHNICALLY your visa is rendered null--as I understand this.
This is why getting these visas is a bit difficult, there's rules in place to ensure acountability.

Also bear in mind that coming from India is a long way--there's a LOT of talents MAYA trained artists in The Vancouver area--and the schools here are pumping out more all the time.
The graduates proximity and their skill level tends to give them the advantage--because they can be seen face to face.

To be candid, your skills will have to be very impressive, or there will have to be a real shortage of talent for you to get work here. Given the school situation you'd have better luck with the former than with the latter.

"We all grow older, we do not have to grow up"--Archie Goodwin ( 1937-1998)

Eh....for what it's worth maybe you can do some detective work through here:

What Ken says is true.

WHat you could try is see if any small local companies that service the Canadian East Indian communities here ever need a maya animator and perhaps you could work remotely from where you are? I'm shooting in the dark here.
Good luck.

thanks guys

as far my work is concern, i think its good, if you want i could send you some pictures or even my demo reel/dvd. after completing maya course from arena multimedia, i have brought lots of books and dvd from alias. basically i have learnt the software of my own. i am not saying that my work is exception but yeah if you see it you would find it impressive.

yeah i know if i would have studied in canadian/us university/institute then i would easily get the job over there. but i can't afford that amount 5-10 lacs rs.

i am saying that i would carry all my relocation expenses because i know if i won't say that then no body is going to appoint me. i am even ready to come to canada on visitor visa for an interviews.

what i am saying is
- my work is good, not exception
- i am experinced
- i would carry all my expenses
- if they want i could come there for interview

still after all this i have not yet get the job.

is it possible to get a job for me or its impossible.

please help


yeah i know if i would have studied in canadian/us university/institute then i would easily get the job over there. but i can't afford that amount 5-10 lacs rs.

For those of us who do not know what a "lac rs" is... 5-10 lcs rs. is the equivelent of $15,000-$30,000 Canadian.

Sonu, I am sure your demo reel is good as far as Indian standards are concerned, but having lived and worked in animation in India, and being a Canadian, now back in Canada, I am almost positive that your work would not have a lot of chance here... The whole thing comes down to training and standards of quality between the two places.

In India, there is no (or very little) REAL training in animation techniques, and here in Canada, that is what we thrive on. Students come out of schools here with a SOLID base with which a studio can work with. There... Well their schools were formed by people (usually business men with no knowledge whatsoever of the business) seeing an opportunity to make some lac rupees from students.

Anyways... That being said, competition here is fierce. Studios do not need to look to the far east to find animators.

"Don't want to end up a cartoon in a cartoon graveyard" - Paul Simon