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I like it a lot, but at the same time with heavily in-profile head and body, and just as -dimensional- limbs, it feels less "whole" and more Egyptian.
Almost like Cyrano with a nose job. =)
I love it! Reminds me of the artwork on Goodtimes back in the 70s. Do you have a website with more of your work?
Odawg you hit it right on the nail.
It does have a Good Times feel to it.
Speaking of pimp(s).
Check this out.
LOL thanks alot guys and yes it is influenced buy the art of ernie Barnes the artist on good times, in some weird way those paintings have always been in the back of my head. so i thouth id try one of my own. the piece itself is a bit more design and abstarct so i can see the egyptian vibe u get scattered, but im diggin it! :) heres the progress so far.
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Check out the glowing hand, he's about to slap one of his womens for da' monies! :eek:
LOL :) glad u all enjoy!!
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