My newgrounds movie--->http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/247657
wut exactly is it, and wut r the advantages to it....... my movies have no actionscripting www.geocities.com/gabemarchionda/rocketandnitroman.html ...... by looking at my movie can u tell me wut actionscripting could have done to improve my movie
My newgrounds movie--->http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/247657
Actionscript is Flash's built-in programming language. If you are looking for an example, check out my site which uses actionscripting exclusively (no keyframing for any of the character animation). Doing work this way involves a different way of going about things and a fairly steep learning curve, but I do manage to put out work more quickly than just about anyone (on average, about 15 minutes per week)
Generally speaking, actionscripting is the code that provides interoperability in a Flash file. For example, if in the middle of your movie you wanted to have a game that the viewer could play, you'd use actionscript to give the viewer control over the elements onscreen. If all you're doing is making linear short films, your need for actionscript is nonexistant.
If, however, you wanted to add an option at the end of your short for the viewer to replay the film, then you'd need to learn a bit (a very little bit, actually) about actionscript.
ok thanks, I am glad action scripting is simple if u only wnat to make movies .....thanks a lot
My newgrounds movie--->http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/247657
Actionscripting can be very useful in presenting things like rain and snow. You only need one symbol (raindrop or snowflake) and the rest of the action is scripted thereby reducing the weight of the file.
Fireworks is another instance where scripting is a better solution. Acting in much the same way a particle system works in a 3d program.
Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.