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how do i make a song continue to next scene

how do i make a song continue to next scene but i dont want it to loop....

bluehickey's picture
Submitted by bluehickey on

One way to do this is to set your music's properties to "event" which is the default anyways, and the music will contiue to play through your next scene.
You won't be able to see/hear this while working in the fla. You'll need to publish your movie and once you playback the .swf file you'll be able to see/hear it in action.

Hope that helped!

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phacker's picture
Submitted by phacker on

Gabe these kind of questions need to be posted over at the DeskTop section on AWN. You can't keep just posting in the Cafe.

But most long term flashers don't really rely on scenes that much. Scenes in Flash have a whole list of problems connected to them. The only time I make a new scene is to install my preloader. I would suggest one of the first things you do when starting to work on new project is make a sound layer, import your sound file set it to stream, stretch out your timeline until the sound file ends. At which point put a stop action.

Then start working on your file. Set up layers for characters, foreground, background, whatever. But this is a technical question and should be ask in the Desktop section.

Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.

ScatteredLogical's picture

I think it's about time they changed the intro snippet for that forum. When's the last time Tony was here? Don't get me wrong, I'm glad he has a life and is producing work somewhere, but if he's not here but twice a year I don't think it warrants making that the full description of what's inside. It just isn't clear enough, and that's likely why we'd get posts like this in the Cafe'.