What was your first job that you were paid to create a piece of art/animation/etc? Was this a moment of inspiration or excitement, knowing that people will actually PAY YOU money for something you have created? I know doing art for the love of doing it is the goal of many, but when you get financial rewards for your hard work that is also a nice compensation.
What did you create? How much were you paid? What did you spend your money on?:D
I first started a small in school buisness where I would charge kids 25 cents -$1.00 to draw them a picture of their favorite superhero or just something funny. ( I would occasionally draw pictures for the girls for free :cool: ) i usually spent the money i made on getting an ice cream treat at lunch in the cafeteria. On a really good day I would usually take my shiny quarters and go buy shiny pencils from the school vending machine. One day a teacher found out about my business and sent me to the principals office. The principal thought I was "really clever and loved to see such promise and enthusiasm in his students" then came the "but I can't let you charge the other students while you are in school" I barely said a word, nodded, and like any law abiding student would do...moved my business underground. Deals were being made on the busses and I even had an agent who would make the deals and then do the transaction so I would never be seen with the clients. I was just thinking about this the other day and I am impressed with myself. I paid my agent 25 cents on every dollar he brought in and the rest is history.
I soon oversaturated the market and people lost interest, or grew out of it, but SO MANY people I know still tell me that they have the drawing I made them in elementary school still hanging on their wall at home. That is a great feeling even 15 years later.
"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that has been given to us." ---Gandalf
That is a hilarious story! I wish I had a story that good. I made $5.00 when I won a coloring contest at the local grocery store. And I had one of my drawings shown on the Disney channel during the eighties when the channel was brand new.
But my real paying job was at age 21 when I started as an inbetweener at Turner Feature Animation on "Cat's don't Dance". It was so cool to tell me friends that I got paid to animate movies! As far as I can remember, the money all went to saving up for my honeymoon a few months after I started working.
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