Okay, I got no feedback on the Show and Tell forum so I thought I'd post something here before Part 2 is finished:
Okay, after 3 long weeks of hard work part 1 of "Lucky Bob's Time Machine" is finished and up on the web! Special thanks to my team of story people and animators. Part 2 will be out soon!
Keep watching! It's kinda a slow start but it'll get better, funnier, and more fast paced as we progress into part 2 and beyond.
And it was made completely in Moho for those of you interested :D
There is a semi long credit sequence in the middle of this part, it does not end there! keep watching!
I like it, simple yet entertaining. Great start. :cool:
Thanks :D Glad you liked it.
Updated Version
I added a new opening credits soundtrack and changed the spelling in some of the names in the credits.
Updated version here:
the link you provided goes to your team list, and I can't find a link to Part 1 on your page
I found it. First order of business, show us what's on the time travel machine's monitor before the scientist explains it. Also, if you're segmenting this to be in actual parts, as opposed to getting it done in chunks and then going back and stitching it all together, I'd suggest some small sort of lead-in, foreshadowing, anything but ending at a burger commercial...you've got a very straightforward story going on, and after the credits it is almost total nonsense =)
I do like watching your stuff more now that things move around. For added effect, it might be cool to have a worm's-eye angle looking up from just behind and to the side of the monitor up at the doctor, to see his fear...
Okay, I'll probably make your suggested changes.
As for the nonsense...
That'll change. It gets better in part 2. Once I get to the end it'll probably turn pretty dark.
Oh yes, do you like my choice of voices for Dr. Al and Evil Barney?
Updates on Part 2
Okay, I have a few updates here on part 2:
1. I recorded the voices for part 2 of "Time Machine".
2. I re-rigged the characters so I can get waist movement and stuff out of them.
3. I'm going to have eye blinks now so I can more expression in the eyes.