3D gaming vs. 3D Animation (school) ???

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3D gaming vs. 3D Animation (school) ???

heres the scoop guys.....

Im about to graduate out of classical animation at sheridan collage.
Im hoping to find a job at the end, but just incase i have applied to 3D animation at Seneca and Sheridan, and also 3D gaming at Seneca. I have been accepted into all three, and now i am having trouble deciding.

I origianlly wanted to end up in gaming (being an avid gamer), but after three years of solid animation under my belt, i have found a new love for the art of animation.

So my question to whome ever can help me out: What is the state of both industries? And what do you recomend taking? Is it easier to take 3D animation and find a job in Gaming or the other way around?

Any help would be greatly appreciated...

animator303's picture
"The only obsticle i have to over-come, is what to turn this blank peice of paper into" .... by Me... or probably someone more important than me... :)

"The only obsticle i have to over-come, is what to turn this blank peice of paper into" .... by Me... or probably someone more important than me... :)

We've had both gaming and animation houses gobbling up our students so it seems like both industries our eager for good talent.

Personally I'd go the 3D animation route; why limit yourself to gaming. A good 3D animation program will give you the skillsets to be used in either industry. The only thing you would be missing out on is the more technical side of how games work. Leave that to the scripters.


Department of Computer Animation
Ringling College of Art and Design
Sarasota Florida