I haven't posted on these forums for a long time, but now I'm back , and I have something new to show. This is a new idea I just started workin on, and I'm not sure yet which direction it will take. So, your comments will be very usefull for me. Please tell me what you like and what not, and why.
Thanks, and enjoy:
Edik Mitgartz,
Animator and Character Designer
My showreel:
Edik Mitgartz,
Animator and Character Designer
My showreel:
I thought both had neat looking characters, good use of color, and good contrast between background and character. I found episode two to be absolutely hilarious.
I didn't understand the opening references to songs not featured in your animations. Episode one had apparent lip synch to lyrics we didn't hear. I like the animation in general, but these two things confused me some.
Keep it up, though.
Cartoon Thunder
There's a little biker in all of us...
Thanks for your comment. There were other people who didn't understand my references, so I removed them .Actually it wasn't clear even for myself why I put them. As for the sound, it needs some work still. I'm going to redo it with professional sound designer.
Thanks again, you helped me a lot.
Edik Mitgartz,
Animator and Character Designer
My showreel:
That is flippin' fantastic!
I lke how you've successfully incorporated a graffiti style into you characters not to mention the animation, timing etc. Like the "camera shake" when he misses the mosh.
Nice to have you back. Missed your avatar.
Thanks, Graphiteman.
My big inspiration was Keith Haring and today's street artists like D*Face and London Police.
I missed my avatar , too. :)
Edik Mitgartz,
Animator and Character Designer
My showreel:
Well it is very unique. I have never seen Graffiti inspired charcaters animated. WOuld be cool if you got a gig working on a music video.
very "stylized" and slick i thought.
Love the doors bouncing all over the place and that whole scene really.
Good job,
Thanks for all your comments. This is very helpfull. While working on these episodes, at some point I felt lost and didn't if it was any good at all. Now I feel much better. I'm going put them on "real" dotcom site, not Geocities, and I already have ideas for next episodes. Just need to find time to do it.
Edik Mitgartz,
Animator and Character Designer
My showreel: