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12 or 16 field, the differences???

By KidNiki | Monday, March 7, 2005 at 6:45pm

Hi everyone, I'm new here and am really excited about this place! Anyway, my question is in regards to 12 and 16 field sheet sizes. I understand that they are the sizes of the area that is being shot, but are there any other differences? I am building an animation table and I am purchasing the Alan Gordon disc, but I am curious as to whether or not 12 field is used much anymore, or if 16 field is used less?

Sorry to word everything so strangely, my brain is not working well right now.

ThanX in advance!

ender's picture
Submitted by ender on

I used a 16 field once when I wanted to go from a really wide shot to a pretty tight truck-in in the same scene. I could put more detail in the 16-field so my truck was higher quality.

kukut's picture
Submitted by kukut on

-- means you will need 16-field paper. Which means you will need a professional 16-field scanner to scan them.

nothing wrong with 16-field paper. they're just so darn big for flipping. (do animators still flip their roughs nowadays?)

again you can use 12-field paper. but the 16-field disc is a bit too hefty for me for swinging around.

in a word, cumbersome.

so if you're not into features just yet, a small one would do, imho.

Don't worry.  All shall be well.

Wade K's picture
Submitted by Wade K on

You will want the 16 field disk, if it is convertible to 12 field. I have a 12 field disk that if the magnetic peg bars are turned upside-down, the disk is a 16 field disk, and it has come in very handy. The last thing you want is to one day get a contract to do animation for a feature (I know... Nowadays, the chances of THAT happening are slim, but...) and you cannot work at home because your disk is too small. Luckily for me, I had a 16 field disk so was able to work from home on the features I worked on. If I did not have this disk, I would probably not have been able to work on the films.

Keep that in mind when you look at getting your disk.

"Don't want to end up a cartoon in a cartoon graveyard" - Paul Simon

KidNiki's picture
Submitted by KidNiki on

WoW, thank you everyone so much! This forum is great, its pretty cool to be talking with perfessionals, or people who seem to be anyway. Im 26 and just starting out, Im ok at drawing but not where some people are. I really want to work in animation and I can do 3D stuff, but I really want to go back and learn 2D. I'm gonna get the disc that is capable of both 12 and 16 field, so I'm glad I asked.

ThanX again!

DSB's picture
Submitted by DSB on

Welcome to the ranks, KN. The more effort you put in, the faster you'll improve. It's never too late to begin - I got started around 26 too, and it's been many years since that I've earned my living doing this stuff. Go get em!

KidNiki's picture
Submitted by KidNiki on

Welcome to the ranks, KN. The more effort you put in, the faster you'll improve. It's never too late to begin - I got started around 26 too, and it's been many years since that I've earned my living doing this stuff. Go get em!

WoW ThanX, DSB! I am going to be asking you guys and gals a lot of question as I embark on this journey! I know what I am capable of and I know how to get there, so this place should be a great service station for all of my needs!

KidNiki's picture
Submitted by KidNiki on

Larry L. , thank you very much. That is what I thought but I wasnt sure. I really appreciate you clearing it up for me!

Larry, also thank you for your website! It is awesome, a great looking resource!!! :)