15yr. needs to interview a animator please!

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15yr. needs to interview a animator please!

Hi I am AnnMare
I am a highschool student at McNary and I am doing a very important career project. I have choosen a animator I always wanted to be one and I now need to interview a animator like yourself. Please help me i would be greatful for any help.
what do you make?
what are you benefits?
what would you change about your job?
what do you like best about your job?
what kind of education will i need to become a professional animator?
is there any special courses?
what is you working enviroment?
what is your schedule?
what are your hours?
why did you choose this profession?
is there anything you wished you should've done or did in highschool to prepare you for work?
PLease I need to know everything your are able to tell me. thank you again. Ann