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KalEl118 Gallery

By KalEl118 | Thursday, February 10, 2005 at 2:07pm

Dare I start my own daily thread? Oh yes... I dare. Well, my first 2 are just some sketches for an idea I had running through my head.


KalEl118's picture
Submitted by KalEl118 on

Wow, 5 months and no posts. I'm getting lazy. Here is a return to my youth in anticipation of the film. C&C are welcome.


KalEl118's picture
Submitted by KalEl118 on

Thanks musimation.

I think I have finally locked down one of my character's bodies. so here is the character from the previous picture, but with the body added. Enjoy.


KalEl118's picture
Submitted by KalEl118 on

This is the first time I ever attempted digital painting, and I don't completely hate the result. I guess that's a good thing. I'm sure it could have come out better if I planned it around being painted. I will have to try something more intricate next time.

Picture is a revamp of the above "Clayface"


Cobster's picture
Submitted by Cobster on

Hi KalEl118,

Nice inking on that Turtle, there are some proportion issues on the legs though.

I love your Artrage speedpainting of the werewolf. It's tough program to use isn't it?

Visit my website:

Claire O'

KalEl118's picture
Submitted by KalEl118 on

I swear I didn't mean to put this off a whole month, but now I am back into it. I guess the holidays are my excuse for post poning and my new years resolution of doing more art is why I got this far.

Just started blocking in some of the colors on Doomsday and added a rough of Superman. I was going to wait to paint until I had a finished background, but I decided it wouldn't kill me to start without it since I really want to try and make the pictures stand out from it.

After I finish Doomsday I may go back in and adjust the saturation and color to bring him more to a grey color.

Any comments or critiques are appreciated.


KalEl118's picture
Submitted by KalEl118 on

Here is a quick picture of a cow secret agent. I'm hoping to reconstruct him in Flash this weekend.


Saider E.'s picture
Submitted by Saider E. on

Great painting. wish i knew how to digital paint:(

What would scooby do?

KalEl118's picture
Submitted by KalEl118 on

Image logo I was playing with for my cousin's band.


KalEl118's picture
Submitted by KalEl118 on

I know I am abusing the phrase "daily sketch" when I only subimt once in a while. Never the less, this is a picture of a unicorn that I made to paint on a friends wall. Her little girl likes unicorns and the movie "Spirit" so I sort of tried to combine the two.


KalEl118's picture
Submitted by KalEl118 on

Went back to an old pet project of mine and redesigned one of the characters from my first page of this thread. I think I can get more expression out of this design. Hope you like.


rupertpiston's picture

This stuff looks pretty neat! I hope we'll get to see your piece when it's done. I love the characters, and the barn (seems like we've spoken about this) is just awesome.

Cartoon Thunder
There's a little biker in all of us...

KalEl118's picture
Submitted by KalEl118 on

Here is a picture I did of the character Scarface from the Batman comics. Not my favorite work. I seem to really like my pictures scratchy and sketchy and then they lose something when I clean them up. Oh well. here it is.


P.S.: Just realized I forgot to draw the scar on his face. Yet another reason to get off of the crack ;)

KalEl118's picture
Submitted by KalEl118 on

Haven't really done anything in a long time. Feel like I'm abusing the term "daily sketch."

Sketch took me about 15 minutes with a ball point pen. 4 hours painting in photoshop.

KalEl118's picture
Submitted by KalEl118 on

This is a background I painted of a cartoony barn for a multi-plane camera move I needed. Its actually 6 different sections flattened into one. A few problems with the lighting but I wasn't really going for realism.


KalEl118's picture
Submitted by KalEl118 on

Kind of staying with the whole Batman theme. Not sure if I'll do anymore, we'll have to see if I get the urge.


KalEl118's picture
Submitted by KalEl118 on

Just wanted to say thanks for the kind words. I'll be sure to post more.


KalEl118's picture
Submitted by KalEl118 on

I think I finally locked down the design for my second character for my sheep project. I only wish I could stop being so lazy and get some serious work done on it. Hope you like.


KalEl118's picture
Submitted by KalEl118 on

This is just some doodle I would play with while I was on the phone. I just drew some fingers and over the course of a couple of days, little by little, I would add to it.


KalEl118's picture
Submitted by KalEl118 on

Felt like doing a little film noir work and wanted to try and tackle some of my shortcomings as an artist. Hope you like but I would appreciate any critiques.


KalEl118's picture
Submitted by KalEl118 on

Just felt like sketching some Halloween stuff and this ghost came out.



brien's picture
Submitted by brien on

haha i like the jason and the freddy ghost sketch. cool stuff. keep up the good work!

KalEl118's picture
Submitted by KalEl118 on

Just thought I would try and brush up a little bit. Never was very good at drawing girls and am now trying to change that. Thought I would use some reference and then try and stylize it. Once again, I loved it while I was drawing it, but now I'm not sure how I feel. Hopefully a step in the right direction.

And a quick color job I did.


KalEl118's picture
Submitted by KalEl118 on

Just a quicky. Really just wanted to practice some new inking techniques. Enjoy.


KalEl118's picture
Submitted by KalEl118 on

Saw a new bust that is being released of the demon character from Legend and drew this real quick.


KalEl118's picture
Submitted by KalEl118 on

Was working on a picture that I wanted to try and paint and thought I would post a little "work in progress." I had been flipping through a few Alex Ross books and saw that, to the best of my knowledge, he had never done any pictures of Doomsday. So I had an image in my head of Superman and Doomsday in the middle of a stand-off, possibly getting a second wind at about mid-way to 3/4 of the way through the fight. I wanted to show destruction and debris already covering the street in the background.

So I started with a couple of thumbnails and ended up liking this one. I wanted to make Doomsday look big and imposing and leave room to show off some of the aftermath in the background.

And now I'm at the point where I've finished my general look for Doomsday. Some changes may occur when I start to paint, but this is the direction I wanted to go.

This is where I'm at now. I'll probably due the rest in seperate layers because I tend to give up when I Like one part of a picture and hate the other :mad: .


KalEl118's picture
Submitted by KalEl118 on

just an update on the painting project from above. figured out to blend a little better but am really regretting not doing the whole thing over a middle tone background. live and learn.

Wim Houben's picture
Submitted by Wim Houben on

well coloring is really really hard. You cna make a bad drawed painting look nice with good coloring, bud also make a nice drawing ugly with coloring. I was trying to make a colored painting to bud its hard. I will post wip on my thread

KalEl118's picture
Submitted by KalEl118 on

Looking forward to starting something new. Not totally happy with everything, but I am excited about what else I might be able to pull off.


KalEl118's picture
Submitted by KalEl118 on

Just a quick speed painting for Halloween. Hope everyone is good and have a Happy Halloween.


tyokio's picture
Submitted by tyokio on

that robot is asking for trouble if hes going to drink that juice lol, great work!

William Wright, its you! the hero of KVATCH!