Cereal And Pajamas New Anthology : August 2007
I hope that everyone likes the new format for the Forum. If you have any probs just send me a pm. Here's my pic for the day. It's a toy design for Indie Gods Publishing. His name is Lil'Pogo, and he'l be hosting their Horror comic stories. Cheers!
Cereal And Pajamas New Anthology : August 2007
Here's another pic I did in Flash. Cheers
Cereal And Pajamas New Anthology : August 2007
Hey SL, love it! LOL. Good one. Here's some more :)

Cereal And Pajamas New Anthology : August 2007
Thanks Joel! I appreciate the comps! Here's another on for today,"Super-Beard and Parrot Lad, Keepers of the Seven Seas and Gazillion Estuaries."
Cereal And Pajamas New Anthology : August 2007
Thanks very much guys, I'm humbled by your comments! :) Here's some more stuff I've been cookin up. Feel free to crit them if you like Cheers
Nightwing Vs Black Mask

Aquaman Villain Line up


Cereal And Pajamas New Anthology : August 2007
Very good but is that an explosive on the worm????
More drawing by Tallart
great stuff dan,
but i am having some sort of a problem,
you seems to be fixed in 1 style of drawing (too cartoonish alike with loose poses..etc).
can you give us the taste of other styles as well ? or mabye this is the only style you can draw?
keep up the great work!
Visit my site http://www.animdesk.com
Poker Face
Cereal And Pajamas New Anthology : August 2007
I love it, and when i see other peoples drawings it inspires me.
I cant wait to see more
Hey Guys! You can follow this link to see more of my work. It has some stuff you've seen on here, and some stuff that you proabably have not
Talart the thing around Mister Mind is a megaphone old school style! Cheers
Cereal And Pajamas New Anthology : August 2007
Morning Dan,
Glad to see your art as always, Man for as much as you draw and as good as you are I bet your Mom is still cleaning the crayon off her walls? (just kidding)
Hey I do have a real question? Are you involved with a comic book series? Just curious.
you seems to be fixed in 1 style of drawing (too cartoonish alike with loose poses..etc).
can you give us the taste of other styles as well ? or mabye this is the only style you can draw?QUOTE]
Seriously? I don't agree.
LOL, yup the crayons were a hit! :) Thanks man! At the moment I'm just doing commission and animation, no comics. I'm not really into sequentials, so I doubt I'd ever do any. Also, a quick heads up, I'm selling some original art over on Ebay. I hate to advertise, but thought I'd drop a note anywho. Here's the link to the art: Danimation Original Art On Ebay
Cereal And Pajamas New Anthology : August 2007
well, start by watching the gallery posted from Dan in the above thread,
you can clearly see that no matter the topic (monsters, comics, sci-fi..etc), the style remains the same (too cartoonish), its not a bad thing, ofcourse not, i love dan's works!, but.. i just wanted to ask if there is more than meets the eye, an art which is not cartoon characterized.
Visit my site http://www.animdesk.com
Wow! Thanks for all the kind words everyone! I really appreciate the C&C!
-Jabs, I know what you mean about the Harley. It's hard to deviate from the WB version, that one is so good.
-Grauso, thanks a lot! I hope you feel better soon!
-Satya, thank you too! I used a 2B pencil for these sketches. When I ink stuff (which I hate to do :( ) I use Micron .005 .01 .02 .08 pens. Hope that helps. Note me if you need anything else
-Fuzzbomb, thank ya! I'm indeed in Canada! Right now I work for Inlight Entertainment and do freelance work on the side.
-Musimation, thank you as well!
Here's more of a finished pic colored in Flash. Cheers
Cereal And Pajamas New Anthology : August 2007
Danimation that is sooooooo coool i luv clowns. Especially crazy clowns and this little guy is totaly something i would buy and just have around. He even seems to like cats as much as i do. Let me know when this little guy might come out if he looks as cool as ur drawing i'm buying. :P
Thanks for the comps Scoob! I really appreicate them! Here's one from today's Lunch! Cheers
Cereal And Pajamas New Anthology : August 2007
sheaboyshea, thanks for the comps on House! :) Glad you like the Pineapple Saider E.! Cheers
Cereal And Pajamas New Anthology : August 2007
great stuff i like the guy with the walking stick.il look forward to seeing more of your work
i love your sketches. the juggernaut one is great! i think it will definatly be funnier if the dog is smaller. i also really like the supergirl one. how long did it take you to color it?
U draw some of the sexiest women. *drool*
What would scooby do?
Thanks man! LOL Cheers:D
Cereal And Pajamas New Anthology : August 2007
No Shirt, No Shoes, No Dice
Clowns are scary I find! I'll defininetly post more drawings and the final toy when it's done. Here's a pic of good Ol' Jeff Spicoli! DUDE, Let's Party! Cheers
Cereal And Pajamas New Anthology : August 2007
Can you imagine Juggernaut in something like a Geo Metro? It would be Robert Parr all over again.
Great Gallery! I love how diverse one sketch is to the next. Are you working on any particular animation projects right now?
Cant wait to see what you post next!
lol, amazing.
i wonder how many people will get those references
The clown is really cool, will the toy be coming with any weapons??
Thanks Brien! The Supergal took about an hour and a half to color in Flash. Scattered- that idea reminds me of the Incredible scene, when the Dad is in his car. Juggs is much bigger, so it would be even more of a contrast! Cool idea, cheers.
Cereal And Pajamas New Anthology : August 2007
U are a 2d Flash God, i dub thee!
What would scooby do?
yeah, everything is ultra fantastic.
you're in canada?
are you currently working for a studio?
are you in or out of college?
Sketch of the Day = Fishy x 2
Cereal And Pajamas New Anthology : August 2007
Thanks for the comps Bookeater and Gamer! I really appreciate them! Here's a quick rough for today. I think I'll scale the dog down a bit more though. The Juggernaut should be quite big! Cheers
Cereal And Pajamas New Anthology : August 2007
ya man all ur drawings are class.how long have you been in animation?
Wonderful stuff! Always a joy to view your work.
My Crockpot of News and Thoughts
Hee, video game freak! SIMON BELMONT IS DA MAN!
awesome stuff
It has been a while since I have checked awn and your gallery, awesome stuff!!!!! Luv the calamity jane and the recent one with hand in foreground. You can tell your drawings are really good because of your hands, I am still having problems with posing hands. Good job.
If I had a million dollars and Jab let me keep some of it, I'd give some to you. :)
Thanks Vin! Well I usually think about the characters personality, what they are doing, then I just go. Sometimes it works sometimes not. I'm glad that you like the pics! Here's another for today! Cheers
Cereal And Pajamas New Anthology : August 2007
I tried to send you a private message but your mail box is full sir. (understandably)
Thanks D! Ah yes, thighs! My daughter is doing great! She is so beautiful and cuddly! I try and spend lots of time with her, hence the not so many sketches. Here's one I did after watching The Return of the King Extended Edition. Thsi guy freaked me out, looked like something out of Hellraiser. I present a rough sketch of the Mouth of Sauron. Cheers
Cereal And Pajamas New Anthology : August 2007
Thanks for the comps sheaboyshea! I've been doing animation for about 4 and a half years now. I mainly do Flash work now, so I alwasy try to keep my drawin's up to snuff. Here are a few more for today! Cheers
Cereal And Pajamas New Anthology : August 2007
It seems that pineapple's a bit...sour (ar ar ar)
Thanks for the response...
*Jared runs out of the room crying and screaming*
... great sketch. That guy was freaky!
My Crockpot of News and Thoughts
Whoa, I haven't posted in ages! Well here we go!
Cereal And Pajamas New Anthology : August 2007
speaking of nintendo commercials, i have this clip of one for zelda, (from the late 80's?) involving rapping, beatboxing, and oo-ing and aw-ing over the graphics, ever see it? (sry if off topic...)
Here's a quick sketch I did for a B-Day gift.
Cereal And Pajamas New Anthology : August 2007
Yeah isn't it the one with the two kids playing Zelda, then it cuts back and forth between the game and the kids whilst the rap plays. I think you can watch it here, warning though, it's terrible.
Cereal And Pajamas New Anthology : August 2007
I love your work, it alwys captivates my immagination :D
He who seeks the truth, must first empty his heart of a false pursuit.
Diemeras Dark Angel
Dude your stuff rocks! awesomeness!
Nice looking stuff. I've been using a set of Stadtler pens for inking also, but have some other stuff where I've been using a steel nib. You, however, run lightning circles around me.
I'm looking at the Wizard pic (California). What Flash tools are you mostly using there? I'm curious because I note there is no hard outline, just high quality fill. Are you mainly using the paintbrush tool with your sketch on another layer?
Cartoon Thunder
There's a little biker in all of us...
Cool a little babie girl. I'm glad to hear she's doing great, what's her name? Little girls grow on thier daddies real fast. Little boys cry like heck or at least that's my experiance, but u luv them either way.
Cool mouth of sauron, i really have to go rent that film. I bought the ones that came out earlier this year and now i'm a little peeved at having to rent it. Or even have to buy it if i like it. What am i going to do with the old ones. Dangit.:(