nice stuff. when is that tutorial coming? at the moment I am trying to color my sketches. (so those drawings can see some daylight) and some of your knowledge would be helpfull
anyway keep it up!
Thanks Damage
That's a good question. I'm not sure what my "style" is anymore. Over the past 10 months, a lot has influenced me. As a result, I've felt the need to experiment in different mediums and to approach my work (everything from the way I come up with ideas to the technical aspects of a drawing) from different angles. In doing that, my art has become an eclectic hodgepodge of things. I can see different influences from page to page in my sketchbook. If I had to describe my work, in one broad term, I think I would use the word "folksy". No matter what I'm doing, my lines seem to have a "hand carved" feel to them... at least they do to me. In the past (as recently as a year ago) I found myself trying too hard to make each drawing perfect, which in turn made me unhappy with everything I did. Eventually I quit trying to find perfection in each drawing, and somehow found happiness in the imperfections; they just have more character…
I think I took the long way around to answer your question, but you get the general idea. ;)
very cool portraits jchap. your artwork always amazes me. i especially like the one with the guy with the blue hair and green background. great choice of color.
I recognize those eyebrows...hmmm ... *checks to see if he pulled a Whoopi overnight*
you should focus on something new something different. I can see you have drawing skills and that you can collor it very nice etc. its easy for u to make nice pictures. u can make millions of them. now you are making it yourself too easy only playing around a bit with techniek.
I only see nice pictures there is nothing more.
focus on what you would like to say with your picture. message? give it more soul more meaning. (show more of your own emotions in your drawings) make ugly stuff etc.
are you still surpricing yourself?
my problem is that you have all the skills but still somehow (for me) your stuff is very superficial.
dont misunderstand me. i like your stuff but I think you can do better and with kissing asses we not getting better
Hey Jchap if u ever get to do that tut let me in on it. I would be soo eager to try ur method :P ur pieces r coming out great. Luv the robots and the guy who kind of looks like frankin stien.
Thanks for your input Jurjen. I appreciate you taking the time to comment, however, I can't say that I agree with what you are saying. Don't get me wrong, I understand "saying something" with your art; art is about self-expression. All the illustrations I create, from robots with brains to flying elephants, I create because they appeal to me. They are what I'm interested in. It has nothing to do with what I think people want to see. Like most aspects of my life, I try to approach things in a lighthearted manor and not take myself too seriously. I think that shows in my work.
Thanks for the kind words everyone. That's a good question Doubt... I'm not sure. For now let's say he's making a quick trip to the post office since it's getting about tax time.
You were fine up until "kissing asses." I can vouch in the minimal capacity with which I know jchap03 that if he's incapable of anything it's superficial work. Self-expression comes from a love of self, and the whole reason he is able to draw well, and have good ideas, and have the good color sense that makes those ideas spark, is likely because he cared enough about himself to improve, and cared enough about himself to play to his -own- tastes.
If you're looking for an artist who sells out I suggest you find some modern art installation auteurs peddling pieces of cereal and flag canvas for ninety-nine thousand dollars. And I can even guarantee you they'll provide you with a deep philosophical meaning =)
Sweet sketch Jchap, like i said before i really dig ur style.
That is soo cool that u can draw like that with enjoying whatever imperfections u come up with. I hope to get to that stage at some point but unfortunatly right now i want to try to draw as correct as possible. Or at least as beliveable as possible.
maybe I was a bit rude and extreme in my last post. sorry for this.
what I was trying to say is if you focus to much or only on techniek that is for me superficial. I am not saying that this is the case. but I would suggest Chapman to keep an eye on this.
I was not trying to say that you shouldnt draw robots or flying elephants and that your drawings need a big message or phylosophy.
maybe you should stay a bit longer with a character. let him do different things let him express different emotions let him tell a story. when doing this you focussing on something else more (emotions,story etc.) and in the mean while still making cool picutures. you work could get richer by doing this.
"focus on what you dont know instead of underlining what you know"
:confused: well maybe this what I writing here counts for me and has nothing to do with your work. I like it when people give me feadback that I dont expect.
and about that thing in new york well you can question about it if its art. but one thing is sure everyone knows about it and everyone talked about it (it was on the dutch and german news what I saw) and thats worth something aswell. in a positieve way the new york city has been in the news all over the world. millions of people saw this for only $99000,-? in a way this is very cheap if you would had to make a commercial and send this out it would had cost much more. :p
Actually only a couple of these were created in flash; The Background, BAM!, and the eggplant (I think I posted the eggplant... I don't have that page sitting here in front of me, so I'm not certain if I did or not.).
Everything else is traditional media, with the a few pieces colored digitally. I just realized that this is a daily SKETCH forum and I haven't posted any sketches, so here a couple quick ones I did in FLASH.
It's the tone with which you deliver it, not what you say.
I mentioned nothing about the piece in New York. Anything that unites people is stellar in my book, and if -any- city needs it... I'm talking about the people who buy 80x60 feet blocks primed and stretched, throw a dot in the middle, write their name huge in crayon, and duct tape black felt triangles over the blue and orange paint running down the side - and then tell everyone (like it's obvious) that there's no interpretation, only fact, and that the whole piece deals with the sublime attitude with which we approach life as innocent kids and the brutality realism brings as we mature. I have to get used to that before I can accept it before I can appreciate it.
There's also the school of thought that says underline the crap out of what you're good at so as to be able to make a living doing what no one else can do. Either way, no problems...
dude,that is so inspiring...I love the faces of the guys in suits...the robot is cool too,but the swingers are soooo cool...I saved it as inspiration if you don't mind...
Love the Bigfoot and the BAM! How did you do these in Flash? Sweet work as always chap! Cheers
Dan- Thanks man! To answer your question, the three guys are supposed to be (from left to right) Jazz great Django Reinhardt, Count Basie, and Glenn Miller... though the Django portrait envolved into a more twisted portrait through a process of several different drawings.
Rainbow- Not a problem at all. Thanks for the words man!
Wow...i like ur quick Lizard boy drawing style...and the long they took from u to do it?? just curious...wonderful drawings... :) ..I hope u ll create a tutorial soon..THX.. G.L.
The lizard boy was just a quick sketch that I did in photoshop. The drawing probably took 15 to 20 seconds while the coloring took five minutes. It's nothing too fancy... just a quick, fun sketch.
Thanks for the intrest in the tutorial. Looks like i'll have to do that sooner than later.
Here's something I did a while back at work. It's a rough version of a food web (a.k.a food chain):
Actually only the background and BAM! were done in Flash. Bigfoot was just an sketch that I inked in my sketchbook and colored digitally. There isn't much to the Flash pieces... just used the line tool to create the shapes for the background and used the brush tool to create the linework for BAM! followed by the pen tool to create the color.
Here's a new one from today; digitally colored sketch:
Thanks Dan. I missed Clone High... was it any good?
Here's a new one. It's a background.
My Crockpot of News and Thoughts
Love the BG. Is it Illustrator? It reminds me of UPA but with a dimensional feel to it. Is this for something in the works? Cheers
Cereal And Pajamas New Anthology : August 2007
As always, thanks for the comments and thoughts everyone.
My Crockpot of News and Thoughts
Nice work jchap! ur characters are always good! i likes the background too, is this a setting for any of ur characters?...
Go now! Its Free! YES Free!
See my work and me at these other sites! WOW! (Comic Book Freelance) (Sketcheroos) (Atlanta Studio)
Thanks guys. I did that at work earlier this week in flash.
Here's one from tonite:
My Crockpot of News and Thoughts
Jheees Jchap ur work is awsome as usual. I really dig the style. Have u always drawn like that or is it a style that u can switch at will?
self portrait...
My Crockpot of News and Thoughts
nice stuff. when is that tutorial coming? at the moment I am trying to color my sketches. (so those drawings can see some daylight) and some of your knowledge would be helpfull
anyway keep it up!
Thanks Damage
That's a good question. I'm not sure what my "style" is anymore. Over the past 10 months, a lot has influenced me. As a result, I've felt the need to experiment in different mediums and to approach my work (everything from the way I come up with ideas to the technical aspects of a drawing) from different angles. In doing that, my art has become an eclectic hodgepodge of things. I can see different influences from page to page in my sketchbook. If I had to describe my work, in one broad term, I think I would use the word "folksy". No matter what I'm doing, my lines seem to have a "hand carved" feel to them... at least they do to me. In the past (as recently as a year ago) I found myself trying too hard to make each drawing perfect, which in turn made me unhappy with everything I did. Eventually I quit trying to find perfection in each drawing, and somehow found happiness in the imperfections; they just have more character…
I think I took the long way around to answer your question, but you get the general idea. ;)
My Crockpot of News and Thoughts
very cool portraits jchap. your artwork always amazes me. i especially like the one with the guy with the blue hair and green background. great choice of color.
I recognize those eyebrows...hmmm ... *checks to see if he pulled a Whoopi overnight*
Thanks Dan.
One from tonight...
My Crockpot of News and Thoughts
Dig the moon, the lens flare and the angle!
(And who doesn't like a pachyderm on a prop!?!)
Splatman :D
SPLAT digital
Pachyderms are a pictorial preference, personally.
The moon and moisture make a mesmerizing mood.
Seven stars, saturater of stills.
I love the 'realness' of the clouds in your last entry jchap 03. Well done. - coming soon.
Another from tonight.
The text is from Ernest Hemingway's "The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber"... the image really has nothing to do with the story...
My Crockpot of News and Thoughts
New one from this weekend...
"Don't Go in the Woods"
My Crockpot of News and Thoughts
you should focus on something new something different. I can see you have drawing skills and that you can collor it very nice etc. its easy for u to make nice pictures. u can make millions of them. now you are making it yourself too easy only playing around a bit with techniek.
I only see nice pictures there is nothing more.
focus on what you would like to say with your picture. message? give it more soul more meaning. (show more of your own emotions in your drawings) make ugly stuff etc.
are you still surpricing yourself?
my problem is that you have all the skills but still somehow (for me) your stuff is very superficial.
dont misunderstand me. i like your stuff but I think you can do better and with kissing asses we not getting better
Hey Jchap if u ever get to do that tut let me in on it. I would be soo eager to try ur method :P ur pieces r coming out great. Luv the robots and the guy who kind of looks like frankin stien.
Your stuff always looks awesome, Where's that elephant heading??
I love how you use colors and you have a unique style that enjoy! Love 'em all:D
What would scooby do?
wake. eat. work. draw. repeat.
My Crockpot of News and Thoughts
Hey Jared Great work....
Hey Jared,
Great work....
Sharpen your pencils for the Character Design contest....
This is all in Flash...are they drawn in Flash or drawings inputted into Flash!
web site
[/U] email:
Thanks for your input Jurjen. I appreciate you taking the time to comment, however, I can't say that I agree with what you are saying. Don't get me wrong, I understand "saying something" with your art; art is about self-expression. All the illustrations I create, from robots with brains to flying elephants, I create because they appeal to me. They are what I'm interested in. It has nothing to do with what I think people want to see. Like most aspects of my life, I try to approach things in a lighthearted manor and not take myself too seriously. I think that shows in my work.
My Crockpot of News and Thoughts
Thanks for the kind words everyone. That's a good question Doubt... I'm not sure. For now let's say he's making a quick trip to the post office since it's getting about tax time.
My Crockpot of News and Thoughts
You were fine up until "kissing asses." I can vouch in the minimal capacity with which I know jchap03 that if he's incapable of anything it's superficial work. Self-expression comes from a love of self, and the whole reason he is able to draw well, and have good ideas, and have the good color sense that makes those ideas spark, is likely because he cared enough about himself to improve, and cared enough about himself to play to his -own- tastes.
If you're looking for an artist who sells out I suggest you find some modern art installation auteurs peddling pieces of cereal and flag canvas for ninety-nine thousand dollars. And I can even guarantee you they'll provide you with a deep philosophical meaning =)
Thanks Scattered.
Two more:
My Crockpot of News and Thoughts
Sweet sketch Jchap, like i said before i really dig ur style.
That is soo cool that u can draw like that with enjoying whatever imperfections u come up with. I hope to get to that stage at some point but unfortunatly right now i want to try to draw as correct as possible. Or at least as beliveable as possible.
maybe I was a bit rude and extreme in my last post. sorry for this.
what I was trying to say is if you focus to much or only on techniek that is for me superficial. I am not saying that this is the case. but I would suggest Chapman to keep an eye on this.
I was not trying to say that you shouldnt draw robots or flying elephants and that your drawings need a big message or phylosophy.
maybe you should stay a bit longer with a character. let him do different things let him express different emotions let him tell a story. when doing this you focussing on something else more (emotions,story etc.) and in the mean while still making cool picutures. you work could get richer by doing this.
"focus on what you dont know instead of underlining what you know"
:confused: well maybe this what I writing here counts for me and has nothing to do with your work. I like it when people give me feadback that I dont expect.
and about that thing in new york well you can question about it if its art. but one thing is sure everyone knows about it and everyone talked about it (it was on the dutch and german news what I saw) and thats worth something aswell. in a positieve way the new york city has been in the news all over the world. millions of people saw this for only $99000,-? in a way this is very cheap if you would had to make a commercial and send this out it would had cost much more. :p
cheers jurjen
One from last night.
My Crockpot of News and Thoughts
Thanks for clearing that up Jurjen. I appreciate it.
My Crockpot of News and Thoughts
Hey Larry,
Believe me! My pencils are sharpened!
Actually only a couple of these were created in flash; The Background, BAM!, and the eggplant (I think I posted the eggplant... I don't have that page sitting here in front of me, so I'm not certain if I did or not.).
Everything else is traditional media, with the a few pieces colored digitally. I just realized that this is a daily SKETCH forum and I haven't posted any sketches, so here a couple quick ones I did in FLASH.
My Crockpot of News and Thoughts
Nice one Chap! Are these guys swingers?
Cereal And Pajamas New Anthology : August 2007
Love the robot in the forest. The way you handled the trees rocks! Don't worry about posting finished works. Post everything! It's all good! Cheers
Cereal And Pajamas New Anthology : August 2007
It's the tone with which you deliver it, not what you say.
I mentioned nothing about the piece in New York. Anything that unites people is stellar in my book, and if -any- city needs it... I'm talking about the people who buy 80x60 feet blocks primed and stretched, throw a dot in the middle, write their name huge in crayon, and duct tape black felt triangles over the blue and orange paint running down the side - and then tell everyone (like it's obvious) that there's no interpretation, only fact, and that the whole piece deals with the sublime attitude with which we approach life as innocent kids and the brutality realism brings as we mature. I have to get used to that before I can accept it before I can appreciate it.
There's also the school of thought that says underline the crap out of what you're good at so as to be able to make a living doing what no one else can do. Either way, no problems...
dude,that is so inspiring...I love the faces of the guys in suits...the robot is cool too,but the swingers are soooo cool...I saved it as inspiration if you don't mind...
Love the Bigfoot and the BAM! How did you do these in Flash? Sweet work as always chap! Cheers
Cereal And Pajamas New Anthology : August 2007
Dan- Thanks man! To answer your question, the three guys are supposed to be (from left to right) Jazz great Django Reinhardt, Count Basie, and Glenn Miller... though the Django portrait envolved into a more twisted portrait through a process of several different drawings.
Rainbow- Not a problem at all. Thanks for the words man!
My Crockpot of News and Thoughts
One from today....
My Crockpot of News and Thoughts
thanks man...its my wall paper right now,and it looks great...I love the colors and design... :D
Thanks Damage. If I ever get around to creating a tutorial I'll be sure to post a message here on the forum. Here's a quick one from this evening.
Behold! The Lizard Boy!
My Crockpot of News and Thoughts
Thanks again man. You're making me blush.
My Crockpot of News and Thoughts
Thanks Dan. I'll continue to do so.
One from tonite:
My Crockpot of News and Thoughts
I'd love to see a collaborative effort between you and Pascal. Can you imagine the tour de force of linework?
Wow...i like ur quick Lizard boy drawing style...and the long they took from u to do it?? just curious...wonderful drawings... :) ..I hope u ll create a tutorial soon..THX.. G.L.
Thanks Dan. There's not much to it really.
Quick one from today...
My Crockpot of News and Thoughts
Thanks Ramimator
The lizard boy was just a quick sketch that I did in photoshop. The drawing probably took 15 to 20 seconds while the coloring took five minutes. It's nothing too fancy... just a quick, fun sketch.
Thanks for the intrest in the tutorial. Looks like i'll have to do that sooner than later.
Here's something I did a while back at work. It's a rough version of a food web (a.k.a food chain):
My Crockpot of News and Thoughts
Thanks Damage and Dan
Actually only the background and BAM! were done in Flash. Bigfoot was just an sketch that I inked in my sketchbook and colored digitally. There isn't much to the Flash pieces... just used the line tool to create the shapes for the background and used the brush tool to create the linework for BAM! followed by the pen tool to create the color.
Here's a new one from today; digitally colored sketch:
The Butler
My Crockpot of News and Thoughts
Thanks for the low down, it's cool to know your techs. Love this one too! Reminds me of Plymton's stuff. Cheers
Cereal And Pajamas New Anthology : August 2007
Thanks Dan...
... I may create a tutorial someday soon on how I work in Flash... just have to find the time. :)
My Crockpot of News and Thoughts