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how is life as a short filmmaker?

By bangbang | Wednesday, August 11, 2004 at 10:31pm

how is life as a short animation filmmaker?

i am doing my last student project and in sometime...i have to choose between differnt jobs available in the feild of animation. i have options like some tv channels, production houses, otherwise work as a freelancer or make short films. i really wants to make films. but there are less projects and very little money for short films in India!

but then there are films like father and daugther, monk and the fish by Michael Dudok de Wit which always inspire to go on with the decision of making films!

Daniel Poeira's picture

I just had a huge fight with my fiancée over this. She wants me to go get some real job or something, and she can't cope with the fact that I'm an independent filmmaker. I'll probably be the next one on the the "most animators are divorced" statistics, but you know what? I don't really care! Because I love doing this! For me, nothing is bigger than my work!

So do whatever you do, but what you WANT to do. Don't waste your time on anything else.

bangbang's picture
Submitted by bangbang on

thanks daniel for encouraging me. i really needed that.

till now i have made few films and two of them are more than five min. long. these two are 2D animation and i am working on the treatment of the second one. i love to paint and thats why i am enjoying it.

daniel i wish you good luck for all the films you still have to make! :)

Daniel Poeira's picture

Thanks a lot! I'll need that!

As for your films, don't worry about the leght or the technique... just make good films straight out from the heart, no matter how :)

rupertpiston's picture

I wish I had something to contribute here, but at six foot five, I hardly qualify...

Daniel's got it right, though...

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