Hi there, I'm looking for offshore (non US/EU) animation production houses who use 3D Max, Maya, USanimation and FlashMX. Anyone have a list? Have you worked with one you'd recommend? Do you work for one you'd like to recommend? Who are the big studios using? Which taiwanese company did 'Spirited Away'?
offshore production houses
There are several productions houses using maya and us animation in mumbai and pune . in fact i have been producig short animated films for us producers for last two years.
my email id
Dear Mr. Talyesyn Rama
We are a Pune (India) based animation studio, and are working exclusively in Flash for our limited animation projects, if you wish we can send you our samples.
Paresh Tiwari
Forget the above
I work at animation company that you might be interested in:
Themartist Animation Studios specializes in creating flash animations for television broadcast and web delivery. Having been working with flash since 1998, our team is a fore-runner in the industry. Full production from concept to delivery is achieved, with scriptwriting, story-boarding, voice-overs, sound, character design and animation, all being done in house.
The nature of animating with flash, coupled with the fact that the studio is based in South Africa, allows our rates to be the most competitive in the market. Our expertises are not limited to flash, however, with facilities being available for traditional (2D) and 3D work.
You can check out our website at for more information, and see what work we have done for other clients, or you can email the owner, Martin Fisher, at
Glad I could help! :)