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Happy Tree Friends !

By ajaykarat | Tuesday, June 22, 2004 at 8:46am

If you havnt seen it , stick a plunger down your throat !

Happy Tree Friends , much more sweeter than chocolate .

cybercyst's picture
Submitted by cybercyst on

Heck yeah...I first saw HTF a few years back at Spike & Mike's Sick & Twisted at the San Diego was the most laughed-at cartoon; people were begging for more! I like the little Tamagotchi things the best on that website (I think they call them 'Smoochies'?)...very funny. Am thinking about getting the DVD.:D

ajaykarat's picture
Submitted by ajaykarat on

"animal hanging over a cliff from his optical nerve" That was my fav. too , this thing is way too cool, damn here in india we donot get the dvd's ! lousy

Daniel Poeira's picture

Alright, I'm old and grumpy, and I've been expeled from the brazilian animation forum because of saying this, but I won't change my mind:

I'll trade one billion episodes of Happy Tree Friends for one single frame of Tex Avery's Screwball Squirrel any day of the week.