I've rolled 2 questions into one to be economical with space (aren't I environmentally friendly?)
I've found a place that might be able to give me a bit of work experience that specialise in claymation. Is it still worth my while, even though I'm aiming at 2D/3D? What I mean to say is, I'd be delighted to work in any field of animation, but would experience in something like claymation narrow the field too much? Or is it all valuable experience? If for example, I managed to get employment with a company like this for say 2 years... would 2D/3D animation companies still be interested in me, even though I had steered away from computer based animation?
2nd question: One of the subjects at an art school I'm thinking of attending has the subject of "ecorche". I personally hadn't heard of it, so in case those who are reading this haven't either, here's their definition:
Ecorche is the classical Western teaching methodology for artists learning anatomy of the human figure. Students construct an anatomically accurate sculpture of a flayed figure by making proportioned metal armature, over which is built a wax skeleton, onto which are added first the deep, and then the superficial muscles. Students will build 197 bones, 100 muscles, and 18 features of cartilage, tendon and soft tissue. It is an intensive course designed to thoroughly familiarise the student with all aspects of anatomy relevant to artists. The knowledge gained can be applied to a wide variety of artistic projects. Educationally, it emphasises a spirit of enquiry by focusing on the relationship of cause (underlying structure), and effect (visual form).
It sounds as though it would be extremely relevant to a future modeller/animator. I'd love to hear other people's thoughts though.
Ecorche sounds extremely interesting. When I was studying fine arts during the dark ages we had to get permission to take the anatomy class that was offered to the premeds. They wanted to make sure there weren't any looky Lous in the class. Needless to say it had a waiting list a mile long, and art students were on the bottom so I never got to take it. I think it would be worth your while.
Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.
keenasmustard, which art school is offering ecorche? If it's in Australia, I'm quite surprised they're teaching something so...technical :) Sounds like it's definitely worth taking on, though.
Adelaide Central School of Art teaches Ecorche... I went to their open day today... and I think I'll be doing some of their courses. I only saw the ecorche models completed to their wax skeleton phase, but they did look pretty cool! I would hazard a guess they stood about a foot and a half tall.