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Who is the Smartest?

By dxv | Thursday, June 10, 2004 at 7:01am

i've always sensed that animators have a very high opinion of themselves. and dancers seem to be universally thought of as not the sharpest tools in the shed.

so my question is:

who do you think as a group, in the realm of the arts both visual and performing, is the smartest?

MonkeyGirl's picture
Submitted by MonkeyGirl on

artist have a high opinion of themselves.
animators are artists... and you have seen nothing until you've seen as animator dance. Since we have the best of all wolds we are the best.

Don't do nothing because you can't do everything.

Graphiteman's picture

It's impossible to generalize...and then to really broaden that by putting them into groups. And besides dancers are not here to defend their side:) . I like to think many artists have a realistic self-assesment. Knowing what your strong points are is a good defense mechanism because that guy behind the office desk is doing everything in his power to convince you that you are not worth it to be allowed to help him make millions of dollars. Even posessing a healthy self-assesment, many of us are guilted into to doing things undervalued or free simply because we love what we do. As if one's job was unenjoyable one should be paid more.WHo's smarter? Just like any demographic we are all different.

grega's picture
Submitted by grega on

Q - Who's the smartest?

A - Tailors.

The Brothers McLeod

cybercyst's picture
Submitted by cybercyst on

Uhhh...who is the smartest?

Porn stars. Because they get to 'do it' AND get paid for it. That's pretty smart. Granted there are a few consequences (diseases and such), but...oh well.;)

Wade K's picture
Submitted by Wade K on

I haev met some pretty STUPID animators in my time. I am not exxagerating wither... They were/are just plain STUPID, and there is just no better way of describing them. I am certain there are some pretty freaking smart dancers as well... Every stripper I have ever seen looked pretty intelligent ;) Do they qualify as "dancers"? Hehehe.

Anyhoo... All kidding aside, I agree with Graphietman. It is a mixed field of people in both (all) areas, and there are not only smart ones or dumb ones. I am pretty sure the field is pretty balanced. There are dummies in EVERY field, ESPECIALLY politics.


"Don't want to end up a cartoon in a cartoon graveyard" - Paul Simon

Graphiteman's picture

Now if it's a passionate debate you want, ask which is smarter, cats or dogs?
Cats. That's why I have dogs.:)

grega's picture
Submitted by grega on

A dog thinks:

'My owner feeds me, strokes me looks after me - they must be a God'

A cat thinks:

'My owner feeds me, strokes me looks after me - I must be a God'

Cat's rock, at least they would if they could play guitar.

The Brothers McLeod