...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."
I don't think so. At least not with comments like this.
Boy howdy, thats a good way to bring life back to animation. :rolleyes:
The Ape
I wonder what he's going to say if the 3D Disney films flop like Treasure Planet.
What a dick.
I wonder what colour the sun is on Mike Eisner's planet? Me, I'm gonna sit and wait until the day that Eisner sees other film companies, new and old making millions off of 2D films and realizes, "HOLY CRAP! What the F#$K have I done?!?!" and re-opens the traditional animation dept. That will be a PROUD day in MY life.
All-knowing Moron.
"Don't want to end up a cartoon in a cartoon graveyard" - Paul Simon
keep drawing
2D animation will be dominated in the near future by the independent animators, students, smaller studios using Flash, international studios, Japanese anime, and freelance artists. This could be a blessing in disguise. If a technique fades a bit from the mainstream household name studios, then the smaller players with original ideas will likely get noticed more than was possible before.
Maybe we don't need Disney to dominate. They've inspired us so much already, so let's just feed off that instead of mourning it. Keep flipping drawings and making good films based on love of the art form and the desire to tell stories and make people laugh.
you're my new best friend!!
2D may be dead for Disney, but where does Eisner get off saying that because they have killed their 2D wing, that means that is the end of all 2D. "Like black and white television", I believe his words were. Does he actually have the gall to think that Disney IS 2D animation?
What a f*$king jerk. I'd piss in his soup any day.
"Don't want to end up a cartoon in a cartoon graveyard" - Paul Simon
And wade.. you're my other best friend!
2D still shines on television. I have yet to see an appealing 3D TV show.
Triplets proved that - when you're not having to buy Mike Eisner another summer home - a fine 2D feature can be produced for around $10 million. Let's see some more independent 2D films.
Harvey, you are sounding like Eisner now as well. Because YOU don't like what you see, then obviously NOONE ELSE likes it either? I think you need to understand there is a world outside the make-believe one that you have fabricated for yourself. I don't particularily like what I see in 3D animation for broadcast either, but that is my opinion, and I will not generalize that opinion as everyone else's as well.
And "Triplettes" proves anything? I actually, against my better judgement, rented that piece of trash. Can somebody fill me in as to what the freaking story was please? I thought it was absolutely ridiculous, and simply cannot believe for the life of me that it got the press that it did, and has people talking about it. Is it simply because someone else, other than Disney made it? I think there needs to be more involved in the merits of a film other than where it came from.
So you know... I am not biased at all in my opinion of this film because of my feelings toward Chomet either. Some of the animation was nice, but again, there is more to a film than that alone.
"Don't want to end up a cartoon in a cartoon graveyard" - Paul Simon
It seems people are constantly looking backwards when it comes to animation, it's the same with the music industry, art, comics etc. If you're going to be a success and get stuff played or shown then just get out there and do it. There is great merit in the independet market whether it be comic books, animation or music. Disney EMI, Sony etc are in it for the money and certainly don't represent the kind of stuff me or any of my friends are into.
Re. 'Triplette', I liked it, some nice set pieces and it got people into the cinema to watch animation who wouldn't normally have gone, which has got to be a good thing.
Cyclist gets kidnapped, his mum and dog go and rescue him.
The Brothers McLeod
I believe it's about corporate American fat cats exploiting the everyday blue collar worker. I for one liked it. It kept me involved the whole time with virtually no dialog! How many movies can do that? And the dog was killer, the fact that he had just as much personality than any other chracter was great! I've heard some negative things bout Chomet but who cares, it's still a good flick. So screw Eisner, he IS the epitomy of one of those corporate fat cats. We don't need him or his recycled stories.
Have you completely lost your mind? Saying I haven't seen a 3D show that appeals to me obviously does not mean that I think nobody in the universe likes 3D television shows. It sounds to me like someone is hunting for excuses to start a fight. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
As for Triplets, it's not all that important whether Wade liked the movie or not.
What's important is that an independent 2D film was a critical and financial success.
Yeah, you know me, Harvey. Always looking for a good fight. I have better things to do with me time...
The troll
"Don't want to end up a cartoon in a cartoon graveyard" - Paul Simon
It sure doesn't seem like it.
Ah! That explains everything.
Seek help, and lay off the booze.
2d always feels much warmer to me than 3d. I'll tolerate poorly done 2d much more than poorly done 3d- at least they took the time to draw out something bad. 3d can be cool though, too.
I'll be disappointed if flash becomes the only future outlet for the majority of 2d production. It works brilliantly for some things (I absolutely loved Home Movies), but I see it as making it too easy to combine the worst of elements of 2d and 3d- all the lifeless movement of bad 3d with the "flat" feeling of bad 2d. Flash is just a tool, though, and it's how it's used that counts. I'm not going to go all "goto statement" on it yet.
Whatever, Harvey. I really don't give a rat's ass. I was merely stating that you said "2D is still shining, as I have yet to see anything 3D that impresses me on TV", which sure came across as "if I don't like any of the 3D stuff, then 2D is still shining bright".
But then, I am not going to get into that same arguement about 2D shining with you. Maybe you can argue that to all the other 2D artists on the forum who are job-less right now.
And finally, you clever comment about "seeking help, and laying off the booze" is getting old. Get some new material.
So now, go and quote everything I said again, and a clever, witty retort, maybe a troll picture, and waste YOUR time.
"Don't want to end up a cartoon in a cartoon graveyard" - Paul Simon
this poll has certainly gotten a lot more interest than i expected..
Wonder why??
is it becaus ethe subject is such a sensitive one??
What is the subject actually..
two d versus three d..
Some comments are saying that little or no three d stuff has been done ina charming way .. , that two d has a lot more warmth to it??
Ok, ok.. I wonder..
what KIND of two d and three d are we really talking about??
I mean..
Or we talking about TWO d , cell animators who draw stuff a, or just the finished thing we see that looks TWO D??
if you think about it.. everything on the screen is flat, unless you have some sort of holographique projection, right??
so.. all is two d in the end
ok.. weak point .. but .. whatr about this one..
Have any of youguys actually checked out the making of triplettes?( sinc eit seems to be the big talk around here)
I'm the one who actually brought up the film.. nevertheless..
Do you guys realise how much THREE D software, and Three d stuff that has actually been rendered in a TWO D way are on the screen??
some of it is obvious..
but ..
not all..
the cyclists going up the hill around marseille, for instance, were modelled and rendered out with lightwave( i could be wrong for the software here, but that's allright), than painted so as to look like a traditional drawing.
it seems to me that the reason we are having computers, is because, somewhere along the road, a few years ago, people , animators, wanted to push their art further??
yes , no??
so.. they created.. multiplane cameras( thanks mister iwerks!), .. was that the dawn of the hand drawn perspective/atmospheric area??_
The 101 dalmatians.. isn't that a beautiful piece??
were xeroxes that were used then a bad thing?
a cheat?
it looks different , but 101 dalmatians is still one of my favorite animations?>
then, the iron giant
A beauty I would say...
Wasn't the WHole robot done in three d??
At that time, i was still pretty young, and had no clue has to what animation meant as far as work goes...
I just loved illustarttion..
and couldn't quite understand why that robot looked so great!!!
only late did I realise it was three d..
than, of course.. there is toy story , and the whole pixar stuff...
the opening of the monsters inc movie..
wasn't that a two d/done in three d thing??
the rendering of the actual finished product or the making of it??
As far as I am concerned, i love traditionally drawn animatin because that's what I do..
I also worl with CG guys all day long that are envious of me because I can draw,.. and I admire their work because they can model, and animate with the type of precision my hand lacks!!!
this is just food for thought..
eventually , it's all coming out of the flat screen, no??
Saw Belleville for first time.
Saw Belleville for first time on DVD yesterday. Genius storytelling. It wasn't the story but how it was told.
My son remembering who won the Oscar asked me which I liked better, Triplets or Nemo. I said, and I wasn't trying to be diplomatic, both. It was apples and oranges I said. And I realised when I said that that I wasn't talking about CG or Drawn I was just talking about them as equals yet unique animation. I was sort of proud of myself that subconciously I didn't distinguish that. That's what it's about just to underline my first post. Animated Ape got it all right too about Esiner's quote, too.
BTW I was riveted by Triplets and so were my kids even though the youngest wouldn't stop about how "ugly" they were. I even felt it was too short.
I found "Triplets" inspirational.
We are all storytellers. And when the story no longer compells the viewer to watch, then you have failed. I don't think it's a matter of 2d vs 3d I think its more how it's been applied to the finished product. And what the finished product is.
Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.
I agree.. it's all about the story and how it is told!!!
the cahracters , like actors, carry emotions, or at leats , trigger those in us.. which makes us react or not to the movie.
Now.. for a lighter note.. Hey gys.. lol, i don't know if i am really allowed to say this here.. butifyougototheshowandtellforumi'vepostedafewlinkstosomeofmystuffthati'dlikeyoutocheckout!
ok.. i didn't say this, did I??
Pascal, are you by any chance French by origin? There are occasionally little things you say that lead me to believe this. Not that it matters or anything, just curious to see if I am right.
"Don't want to end up a cartoon in a cartoon graveyard" - Paul Simon
Why would national origin matter? One of my grandfathers was French, one grandmother was Irish...the rest I don't know about. He's off for "Annecy" right now so he probably won't get back to you right away.
Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.
I am confused. I thought I said "not that it matters". I was just curious. That is all.
"Don't want to end up a cartoon in a cartoon graveyard" - Paul Simon
I repeat: have you completely lost your mind?
Because there are some unemployed 2D animators means there aren't good 2D shows on TV? No, of course not. What kind of numbskull would think such a thing?
I mention that I enjoy many 2D animated shows but don't like the 3D shows and you go NUTS.
Seriously, look into some anger management therapy.
Oh brother- this thread has really turned to crap.
I agree with both Wade K and Harvey on certain points.
Lots of 2d animators are out of jobs, so as a business 2d doesn't seem to be shining much at all right now. And yes, I think that the majority of 2d shows on television are of a higher quality than the 3d shows made for TV.
That being said, I just noticed this gem:
It's hilarious that you're complaining about a big logic jump- you've done exactly the same thing in the past, yet you moan about it when someone does it to you. :rolleyes: I'll leave it at that.
Speaking of "anger management", try a normal sized font- you look like you're yelling.
What "logic jump" are you referring to? If I said something stupid or irrational before, I'll admit that I was wrong and maybe even apologize; but you'll have to point it out and describe why it was wrong, not just make wild accusations.
Besides that, my saying stupid things in the past does not excuse the stupid thing that Wade just said.
Sorry, it must be a problem with the new forum. I don't have any control over the font size and it seems like it's something I'm destined to explain again and again, until the administrator offers me a solution.
Oops. almost forgot to respond to the issue.
Relatively speaking, 2D television IS "shining." It is at its peak: a golden age.
If you're looking at it subjectively, as a television animator, it could be rough on a personal level; but that doesn't lessen the quality of the product. It simply means there's a glut of 2D animators.
Anyway, arguing against the "shining" of 2D - for whatever reason - is fine. Accusing me of living in a "fabricated," "make-believe" world - simply because I said I like 2D television - is insane.
Harvey, you can knock off all of your "anger management" and "lay off the booze" and "you went nuts" comments, and all the other very clever responses you contribute. I did NOT "go nuts" from reading your comment. It is your know-it-all way of talking and telling everyone how things are that made me even reply to this thread, but because I disagreed with you Harvey, I "went nuts". No, Harvey, I did not "go nuts".
Your comments that "the 2D industry is at its peak" and "because there are a couple unemployed 2D animators..." NEED to be disagreed with. You are living in a fantasy land. There are more than "a couple" unemployed 2D animators right now, and the 2D industry is FAR from "at its peak". I wish what you were saying was true, but alas, it is not.
Wake up!
"Don't want to end up a cartoon in a cartoon graveyard" - Paul Simon
I never said that you had to excuse Wade- I pointed out the hypocritical nature of complaining about something that you yourself have done.
As for an example, I don't feel like pawing through all of your crap on this board. I posted that reply because of something I remembered: on the old messageboard we had what will go down in history as one of the dumbest dialogs ever...
The gist was that I pointed out that I would rather see one particular show get made over another, and that I was disheartened to see something that I considered to be of higher intellect fail, while something of lower intellect succeeded.
From this, you springboarded to the conclusion that I was trying to keep anyone from seeing this "lesser" show at all, that I was trying to control what people saw in general, etc. You ended up comparing me to Hitler, which I think is a huge jump for any "cartoon message board" discussion, no matter how heated or tangential it gets.
I was talking about a specific case, but you exaggerated it and turned it into a blanket statement because it was more convenient to argue about. Yet you point out:
Props to Wade for triggering this response.
As stated previously, this was on the old messageboard so obviously I don't have a transcript or anything I would dare say is a quote. You're welcome to refute it all you want, start arguing about it again, call it a "wild" accusation, etc., but it will be pissing in the wind as I'm not going to bother defending it. It would be my word against yours at this point, and I'm fine with that.
Oh wow. So many lies and distortions about old threads that I probably shouldn't respond to them all. I'll just stick to the issue at hand instead of getting distracted.
So? I said this:
Wade replied with this.
Of course, I never said anything about nobody else liking 3D shows.
So how exactly is the top quote a distortion of Wade's response?
And, Wade, can you possibly quit lying long enough to get back to the issue? I never said there are "a couple" of unemployed animators. You twist, you lie, and you distort in an effort to discredit me, rather than dealing with the actual things I said.
Here's the issue: because I said I like the current 2D shows but don't like the 3D shows, Wade accused me of living in a fantasy world, which is obviously really really dumb, desperate, and -yes- a bit insane.
Can you imagine if I accused Wade of living in a fantasy land just because he said he liked or didn't like a cartoon? He would go ballistic.
So I guess things are lies if you don't care to remember them. Whether you want to admit it or not, it happened. My lack of hard evidence doesn't make it any less true. I'm not trying to convince you.
Hmmmm....that's a great point....that's exactly what I'd be saying if I ever actually put forward the idea that you were distorting Wade's response.
Since I remember that you have a real problem with "distorting" the facts yourself, let's look at the pertinent areas of my posts and I'll give you a quick run-down:
See that phrase "in the past". That doesn't mean "right now" or "all of the time". It means "in the past"- I'm saying that you've done the same thing before, not that you're doing it now or that you do it all of the time. So that doesn't imply "you're distorting Wade's comment". Let's check the other message:
Ooooh- yeah this one's tricky. It's the "have done" part that probably confused you. You see, "have done" is different from "are doing" or "just did" or "do all of the time". So no, that doesn't accuse you of distorting Wade's comment either.
So now here are some facts:
I never accused you of anything other than being hypocritical. I cited a specific instance. Did I ever say you distored Wade's comments? No. Did I say you were hypocritical all of the time? No.
I said that you have done exactly the same thing in the past, then I explained what I was referring to. In your reply to my comment, you conveniently assumed that I made a generalized statement, when I was in fact being specific. Now let's look at your earlier complaint about Wade:
Well, gee- it looks like you don't like the fact that someone took something you said and generalized it. But wait- didn't you just do the same thing to me?
Boy- I wonder what it's like to deal with someone who distorts what you say? :cool:
i think everyone has its own way of saying what is better 2d or 3d,
those who makes a living from it will surely agree, others can be jelouse.. i don't know.
personally i won't go to a theater to watch a 3d movie, not because i dislike 2d, its just because it has no 'feeling' in it, seeing a 2d movie (ie: lion-king) just shows how people can transfer something from them self into the paper and than to the cinema, 3d is just.. lets make a mesh and use a IK system and i have my character where computer calculate and generate the final result.
so there is no man involved in the animation process other than mouse clicks.
2d may have been dead because companies now days just want to see green paper in thier hands and forgetting what most important in 2d animation and turn back to CG.
this can be an endless debate but clearly to us all, 2d never did and never will die.
Visit my site http://www.animdesk.com
WOW! i take tremendous offense to that. clearly you have no idea what goes into 3d production if you think that. Hate to tell you, everything in lion king minus the actual drawings was digital, digitally colored, some 3d sets and characters. before you bash the suckyness of computers, you are going to have to use earlier example than lion king.
as for no man involved, that crazy! The 45 human animators i work with would beg to differ. a computer is just a fancy pencil, it won't do anything I don't tell it to do, how is that differant than a pencil?
[b][size=3]Matt Shumway
Character Animator
Rhythm and Hues Studios
Now now Matt, everybody knows that all we pixelmonkeys do is click this button when we come in in the morning. After that it's off to the countryclub to drink margaritas and laugh at unemployed 2D-artists.
Man, how did they catch on to us so fast? :D
Mind you, Shany gets all his reliable info from this guy
I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy [i]-Tom Waits
shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh dave!!!
that's a big secret! I thought it was the beach tomorrow, not the country club.. maybe i have my days wrong.
i am saving that button jpg, thats too funny.
[b][size=3]Matt Shumway
Character Animator
Rhythm and Hues Studios
That's an actual button in Max4, I kid you not.
Seemed like mine was broken though. ;)
I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy [i]-Tom Waits
boy, i need to get one of those installed into voodoo...i will run that by our programers..
[b][size=3]Matt Shumway
Character Animator
Rhythm and Hues Studios
That's way too funny Dave. Oddly enough, there are tons of people who really believe that. It's sad though when a fellow animator thinks that's how it's done.
I'm all ways sadend how quickly these threads turn into a traditional vs. 3D animation argument. Almost as much as fast as it turns into a pissing match of personal attacks. When I posted the article, it wasn't ment to be a traditional vs 3D post. I ment for it to spotlight the short sightedness of a CEO who is running an animation company. Whether you like traditional or 3D animation, I don't think you would want that person running the show.
Pascal, usually when we talk about a 2D animation, we mean traditional animation. Meaning hand drawn, then scanned and colored in the computer. For 3D we usually mean it's animated with a 3D program so you can rotate a character around in space almost as if you were to hold up a statue and rotate it around with your hand. This is why I try to use the term 'Traditional' instead of 2D.
I just don't see why Disney couldn't do both Traditional and 3D features? The could've kept the Florida studio for one type, and do the other at the Burbank studio. They already had the studios built and all the artists hired on, they just would've needed to shuffle a few things around. But what do I know, I'm no business man, I just make stuff move. If I want things done that way, I'll just have to open my own studio I guess. :D
The Ape
...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."
Not to worry, Ape. It happens a lot around here, and oddly enough, it seems to always be the same person in the middle of it all, not just with me, but pretty much with EVERYONE ELSE too. You see, there is no disagreeing allowed with this individual, as he knows it all already, and nothing anyone says will change his mind. Even when he makes a dumb comment, and someone calls him on it, he will still stand his ground, accusing people of "lying" or "making things up", or being "alcoholic". Then he posts little pictures on the thread which he finds very "drole" in an effort to be even more insulting... He is very witty indeed, and very contructive as well, and just cannot seem to reply to a disagreement in an intelligent manner. I get disagreed with a lot, as we all do, but the difference is that most of us will admit when we are wrong, or talk it out with others, instead of being just plain dumb (for the lack of a better term).
At any rate... The classic 2D vs. 3D thing comes up a lot in here unfortunately. I don't know why, as it is an arguement that nobody can win. However, you initial post on this was good, and we WERE having a good conversation about Eisner and his comments. I hope that we can veer this thread back on course.
Hey, they have a couple studios here in Canada too, if anyone is in the market. Those too shut down, not long after opening. Seemed like a pretty God-awful waste of money to me, but hey... I am not a shareholder.
"Don't want to end up a cartoon in a cartoon graveyard" - Paul Simon
(You also accused me of generalizing about "everyone else's" opinion, which I never did; but that part wasn't a personal attack: just idiocy.)
Yes, sure I say nasty things to you, Wade, but ONLY AFTER YOU ATTACK ME FIRST.
Wade, you are always the one who starts these dumb flame wars with me. It is YOU who is the bad guy.
Why don't you simply stop responding to my posts? It seems that you love to start fights. After all, no one is forcing you to act like a wildman. No one is twisting your arm and forcing you to start fights by ridiculing people. You obviously do it because you enjoy it, because it gives you some sort of release.
Matt, are you still angry because you were proved wrong and I was proved right in the Shark Tale thread thanks to the PDI and Dreamworks employees?
Yeah, I know it must hurt, after you bragged and bragged and bragged about how you were right because you knew more than me about movie production, and it turned out you didn't know what the hell you were talking about. OUCH! How embarrassing for you, Mr. Hollywood! :D
Anyhoo, you are the one who first posted personal information about me on this forum, so I don't understand what you're complaining about. :confused: :confused: :confused:
see everyone (o:
[b][size=3]Matt Shumway
Character Animator
Rhythm and Hues Studios
Well, this is my final "idiotic" post on this damend subject. I don't know if you have noticed or not, but VERY SELDOM do I argue with ANYONE on here. Quite the contrary, really... I am HELPING people when I can, and GIVING ADVICE to the young'ns. It seems to me though, that all YOU do on this forum is argue, Harvey, and not just with me, but with EVERYONE. In this one thread alone, you are arguing with THREE PEOPLE! Does that not tell you anything? You know it all, and make sure everyone knows it (unfortunately, some of the younger users in here with no experience may not have any idea you are a fraud who talks from his ass).
Yes... THAT is a personal attack. (Just in case you needed the distinction, and I assume you do, as you believe that EVERYTHING anyone says to you is an attack). Poor Harvey... He never does anything wrong... He waits to get "baited", as he put it, and then he is allowed to be a complete jerk. He doesn't START anything, apparently. I cannot believe that you think that... Seems kind of odd that all of us on this forum come on looking for you in particular to "bait" you, Harvey. Poor you.
That is it for me... I have had enough of this crap.
"Don't want to end up a cartoon in a cartoon graveyard" - Paul Simon
Sure, we see. It's pretty simple: you attacked me first and I responded in kind.
There was a little thing called World War 2. The Japanese attacked the United States first and the United States fought back. Now who was the bad guy in this instance? The country who started the war or the country who fought back? Maybe the U.S. should have just rolled over and took it, just as you seem to expect ME to do.
Right, you are wonderful and I am bad, even though it is you who always starts these fights.
Your quote is not technically a lie since you used the words "it seems." Well, the moon can SEEM to be made of cheese, but that doesn't make it so. The fact is I'm content to discuss animation and offer people advice until someone says something nasty to me: just as you said I was delusional in THIS thread, which started this whole mess.
Look, if someone treats me in a civil manner, I am civil in turn. But if someone snaps at me and says something nasty, as you do so often, there's a 50% chance I'll snap back.
You are an extremely angry human being, Wade. You need to learn how to control your temper, and THINK before you lash out. All you have to do is behave like a gentleman and watch what happens.
so anyway, wade, cook...
Eisner has clearly killed disney animation, what do you guys think its going to take to breathe life back into the artform?
I think it is just a matter of time. the public always craves new and differant, after awhile thats exactly the way 2d will feel...its kinda like fashion (o:
let disney sink, let the artform thrive.
[b][size=3]Matt Shumway
Character Animator
Rhythm and Hues Studios
You misspelled "I'm."
Don't be so hard on yourself. You may be a vain dullard on this forum, but I'm sure you're still entertaining to...um...your grandma?
There. I rest my case. An unprovoked "attack" (which Harvey, you never do, apparently). I need not say any more, as you just proved my point yourself...
Matt... I think it will take some really strong independants. Some disgruntled people to step up to the plate in order to keep the dream alive. People who realize that it is not the medium, but the story that makes a good film. I had hope in Legacy Animation, but now I hear they have dropped out of the running. I heard rumours of Pixar buying up all of Disney's animation desks (or a large portion of them). What they plan to do with them is beyond me (if this is true), but could it be that they plan to also produce traditional stuff? That would give the animation world a tremendous boost (I.M.O.), as Pixar has a fresh new reputation with audiences, and THEY truly understand the importance of a script.
Wade (the apparently "very angry person")
"Don't want to end up a cartoon in a cartoon graveyard" - Paul Simon
Oh brother.
Did Matt engage ME first in this thread, or did I engage HIM first?
Well, allow me to buy you a clue: I never mentioned Matt until after post #58.
I know you can't possibly be so stupid as to think my squabble with Matt in this thread was initiated by me, so I'm going to have to assume that you're being willfully ignorant. That is, you're intentionally lying to yourself so you can believe a fabricated reality where Wade is always the good guy; i.e.: you're living in a fantasy world, buddy.
There. I rest my case.
hey wade, please don't respond to him, this is just getting old. He always has to have to final word, so just let him.
so did you guys read dave purkisma's response to eisners speech? check it out, i think he sums it up very well.
[b][size=3]Matt Shumway
Character Animator
Rhythm and Hues Studios
After 9 months of Wade picking fights with me, it's finally old?
I agree with Matt for once.
Don't respond to me, Wade, ever again.
In fact, put me on your ignore list.
Matt, you probably shouldn't respond to me either. Nice knowing youse all.