Splatman's new website!

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Splatman's new website!

Hi y'all!

I emerge from the woodchips to present you with our new website!

(QuickTime needed to view reel)


Great stuff Splatsy! My eyes are kind of tripped out though looking at that hot purple background! Your text was very funny!

Flash Character Packs, Video Tutorials and more: www.CartoonSolutions.com

Thanks blue!

Yup, purple grabs ones attention, doesn't it!

The writting was done mostly by SPLAT's madcap writting fiend and co-creative dude. We concept alot of our stuff at the local Mexican bar...which could explain alot, now that I think about it!

Thanks again!


Have to share this here too Splat. I think it shows your alter ego.

Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.


Really nice illustration work incorporated into an animated reel. It's different and that's all-right:)

I'm not crazy about animation that seems more adept to computer inbetweens and scaling through math and yours does, but the character designs make up for a lot and the staging you create is great.

And yes, the color purple. I can't see anything but the color purple. Make it stop.



Atomcloud Animation