MoTV: Mobile Video and TV Forum

The National Association of Broadcasters and iHollywood Forum, Inc. are hosting the 2nd annual MoTV: Mobile Video and TV Forum during NAB2006 at the Las Vegas Convention Center.

Mobile TV and Video Forum will explore why Hollywood and mobile carriers believe mobile video, including TV broadcasting on cell phones, is a potential lucrative revenue generator and how emerging technologies are shaping the future of audio and video content production.

MoTV will bring together top executives in this emerging business: carriers, studios, content creators and aggregators, producers, broadcasters, cable companies and technology solution providers who are making mobile video and TV a reality. As different broadcast standards are emerging in U.S., Europe and Asia in mobile broadcast trials, MoTV will compare and contrast the standards and results, and discuss what will prevail in the U.S. market. The summit will also highlight other mobile trends such as text messaging, ringtones, visual radio, games and more.

Cost for tickets is $250 basic and $325 deluxe until April 19. For additional information, call 310 566-7745 or visit

Tuesday, April 25, 2006 - 11:00am to 7:00pm
Submission Deadline 
Tuesday, April 25, 2006 - 12:00pm
Las Vegas