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Looking for animators

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Looking for animators

I am thinking of starting a series of YouTube animated shorts. They would be based on an idea I have entitled Mr. Neptune Man. It's about an alien from the planet Neptune, who is tasked by his bosses to land on Earth and study humanity. I picture 1-3 minute shorts in which Mr. Neptune Man tries out a sport or engages in a mundane activity like going to the supermarket or parking a car. There would be no dialogue, so the cartoons would rely heavily on slapstick physical comedy. 

I'll say upfront that I can't promise payment. If this isn't an issue for you, please send me an email at


Animator for a short film or

Animator for a short film or how?


Are you an animator yourself,

Are you an animator yourself, or just a writter?

That sounds like a fun and

That sounds like a fun and unique concept for animated shorts! I'd love to help bring Mr. Neptune Man to life with some creative animation, humor, and a delicious touch of food related adventures.