Take My Muffin may be the coolest animation series I’ve seen in 3-4 years. Must say I’m a big fan of adult animation so I always check on new things coming out and love to reminisce about the old titles I fell in love with back in the days. Even though I used to believe only Japanese creators will be able to impress me till the end of my life, this toonbox studio is doing a great job. For now you can check their results on YouTube but it’s quite likely that we’ll need a Premier subscription to stay tuned for the upcoming episodes. Take My Muffin reminds me of Rick and Morty so much, I really hope that it will get as iconic as R&M and I will tell everybody things like yo I knew about this series way before their release.
Anyways, TMM is at the same time a crypto project, so they have their crypto coins on DeFi exchange 1inch, which I already hold. If creating an animation series is their way to promote a crypto project they are the biggest geniuses I’be ever heard of. I’m hooked!
my girlfriend told me about
my girlfriend told me about it but I thought she's just being childish af
nah man even though author
nah man even though author seems a bit too excited tgis series is worth the time spent 100%
dude the thing is that I
dude the thing is that I thought it's trash but when I saw it I understood how good it was
if you had my love and I gave
if you had my love and I gave you all my trust.....
yooo real ones out here More
yooo real ones out here More Life