Hi everyone!!!
I hope this works. Well, I had fun with this contest. I hope everyone enjoys this. I wanted something different and this is what I created. "Long live Romeo and Juliet!"
Paul Timmons
the pumpkin king!
Hi everyone!!!
I hope this works. Well, I had fun with this contest. I hope everyone enjoys this. I wanted something different and this is what I created. "Long live Romeo and Juliet!"
Paul Timmons
the pumpkin king!
I heard that Disney is going to restart Romeo and Juliet in 2021!
Yes, this is an immortal classic, the plot and the text itself are still relevant, I even recently wrote an article about it on Medium.
I just chose the topic of my term paper "Romeo and Juliet in the Modern World." Don't you think these guys don't fit into our reality? I read examples of Shakespeare's essays on eduzaurus.com and it said that this is a multicultural story that could affect our society a hundred years later. I think this is impressive in truth. After all, love is immortal.
People living in the 1600s had to cover up their true selves from the rest of society because they didn’t want to be judged; leading to gender expectations and church-going pretenders. People rushed their childhood to become mothers and wives to began their simple life ahead of them. Shakespeare showed this In his play Romeo and Juliet, which gave strong examples of specific ways males and females should act. Each day mankind changes their identity to fit in with their peers. I really love Romeo and Juliet, so I have been researching additional information for many years and came across examples of essays about Romeo and Juliet, here you can find out more details. How this resource turned out to be a real treasure of information, I could not even think that I did not know so much.