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Online Volunteer 2D Animation Group Looking For Animators!

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Online Volunteer 2D Animation Group Looking For Animators!


I am creating an online, 2D Animation group, called "LightBox" (Get the reference in the name?). The goal is to get a group of people together online to create animated projects for the internet. This is all volunteer work, so you won't be paid. Since you are not being paid, I do not expect you to dedicate yourselves to this, but rather, do it in your free time :). I hope to pay you later on. I already have two members, a writer, and an animator. I also have a project in the works. If you wish to join LightBox, please join the Discord chat server below! Thanks!

Discord server-

The invite link is expired.

The invite link is expired. Can you please post a new one so I can join and share a project of mine?

Is this still available? The

Is this still available? The link is invalid,