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2D Animation Software for Hand Drawn Images

By Michael | Thursday, December 20, 2018 at 6:28am

Hey there, 

Hope you're all doing fine.

I'm interested in 2D Animation, specifically hand drawn animation. I'm planning to create a short animation which will be hand drawn. After I'm done with the drawings, I will scan them. I will need to import the drawings into an animation software. Which ones can I use? Which one do you use? 

Thanks in advance :)


Firechild's picture
Submitted by Firechild on

Hi Michael,

I'm fine :) how are you?

Cool that you're interested in animation.

I used to do a lot of animation for games and graduated as an animation student back in 2012. 

I personally am most familiar with TV paint:
But you can use ToonBoom or Adobe Animate aswell (I believe this was Flash back in the day.) or even Photoshop to create animations, but the last one is least convenient and not really used as an industry standard.

For importing your scanned drawings as a sequence in TV paint, Aaron Blaise has a nice video on how to do that
(if you don't know Aaron Blaise, he is an oldschool animator and co-directed a couple of Disney animated feature films, so a pretty reliable source)

But TV paint is just as good for drawing directly in it, saving you the time to draw on paper and having to scan them in. You'll need a drawing tablet for this.

Hope this helps. Good luck on your animation and happy holidays!

Unnikrishnan's picture

Dear Micheal,

Hope you are fine and it's clearly understood about your passion and interst in Animation. There are lots of software awailable in market to do hand drawing as well as digital animation.  But it is really important to know more on traditional and digital animation before starting your carrier or your passion in animation.

Kindly go through this to know more:

Hope this one will help you. Thanks a lot and wish you all the best for your future as a great artist