Hello first post

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Hello first post

Hey guys, I'm an aspiring Children's animator, and I have like, this immense world built up and everything. But I'm having such trouble getting images in my head to look on point on paper. 
Particularly, I'm having crazy trouble with character design. My characters look either flat (like literal flat, like simple drawing flat) or aren't translating well. I've got a few alright character sheets, but nothing I'd deem quite show worthy yet. 
I'm not too discouraged by it, but it does get frustrating.

Like wise, backgrounds, man, I can't even begin.

What advice can you guys give?

The best advice I have heard

The best advice I have heard from these forums is for you to keep drawning. Work on it as much as you can, every day. Take a look at this guys webpage, he shows is work from his first day of working on drawning to his current status. It is amazing to see his progress over time.

The web page is have problems currently, once it is fixed you should check out this link.


Thanks man, I mean, my

Thanks man, I mean, my concepts have definitely improved over time, but the characters all feel awkward to me.