But it would seem to me that the things he subjected himself to (multiple bee stings, crayons in his nose and ear resulting in blood, etc) just to go to the ER were far worse than a cavity or whatever he had. Unless we're going off the premise or idea that a trip to the dentist is far worse than any trip to a physician. When it comes to that idea, it just being a preference, it's possible for someone to think like that.
That's my opinion as viewer. As a wannabe I really admire it.
Funny, I liked it.
Funny storyline there and nice music to match.
But it would seem to me that the things he subjected himself to (multiple bee stings, crayons in his nose and ear resulting in blood, etc) just to go to the ER were far worse than a cavity or whatever he had. Unless we're going off the premise or idea that a trip to the dentist is far worse than any trip to a physician. When it comes to that idea, it just being a preference, it's possible for someone to think like that.
That's my opinion as viewer. As a wannabe I really admire it.
Pretty cool, good job!