Dan Sarto is Publisher and Editor-in-Chief of Animation World Network.
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Dan Sarto is Publisher and Editor-in-Chief of Animation World Network.
Hello! Can't wait to read about others' experiences through this forum!
Hi Awn I'm an emerging character animator
Hello My name is Avionne. I am an emerging character animator from Buffalo New York. I would like to contribute help to fellow animators and artists and links to my work for feedback, as long as I am following the rules. Are we allowed to share links? I look forward to AWN!
Hello, I'm Dinesh Gahlot. I'm into animation business from 2001
Animation Studio
Showboat Entertainment Pvt. Ltd.
Hello Animation
I'm a sound designer that has just graduated and looking to get involved in projects to improve my CV. Contact me if you would like any original sound and music creating for your animation.
Thank You
Thank you
Hi guys i have been making computer music for 9 years and owuld love to get into the music involved in animation.
Hi :)
Hi, my name's Kim and I'm a bs mgt grad. Recently I realized that I took the wrong course so I'm planning on getting another degree. After a couple of months of reflection I decided on taking 3d animation. I'm saving up right now so that I'll be able to study in two years.
Get Blender, it's free and a stable program.
Hey gang. New here. I'm real big on animation pre-production.
Hey! Howsitgoin.
Hey there, everyone! I'm fairly new to the world of serious (KEYWORD) animation and art and I hope to learn a lot! :D
I'm new
Hi,I'm Luke and I have always and will always love cartoons.
Hello, World
We make games :) Always looking to improve our games with better animation.
Hello everyone! Aspiring animator here from California! :)
from Pearl of the Orient
Hello everyone!
Im Arjaey...new here.. .
Hi I'm an animator and cartoonist looking for some work experience.
Hi All
Hi All ... I am a producer and viewer of 3d animation.. Hope to connect and share my view on the industry via these forums
Hi! I'm an animator and just want a place where I can get my questions answered. Thanks!
Music composer and animator
Hello, I'm a music composer and animator. Would be fun to cooperate by music scoring other peoples animations.
Hello !
Hi everyone,I'm an Animation Mentor student in character animation and I'm here to share my animation knowledge/experiences with others :)
Yo, just a new animation freak lover here. :D
I'm learning 3D animation and working on an MFA. I've never done animation before, and I'm sure I'll have questions and need help, so it's nice to have a network of people to ask!
New member
I am interested in developing animated children's educational DVD's.
I love animation, especially a blend of 2D/3D and am here to see if I can meet other people who are specialized in what I need.
test message
hey hey hey.
this is test spam message. delete this shit if you don't wanna see more shit.
Hey everyone! My name is Amy, and I love animation!!! :D
Hi everyone!
I'm animation student and i hope to learn more and more joing AWN forum and find people that love animation like me.
I'm italian and animation is'nt a well know field.
thanks to everyone!!:D
Hey fellow animators
Hey my name is Ray I live in Cincinnati OH. I'm not computer savvy like you Katz, but I have wanted to be since Toy Story. I can draw, I can paint but some of you guys/gals do on Youtube (british 9 year old when I constantly hit the pause button cause he is too fast) I have seen a lot of talk about money on this site. I don't give a hang. I am 37 as a heavy equipment mechanic now you guys who are are google savvy. I made a lot. But I wasn't happy. What I love is Art. It doesn't have to be from the Louvre. But I realize there is nothing worse than wasted talent. I hope you guys/girls can help me. I would like to turn graphite into a keyboard but understand. I know how my hand flows but the difference is a mouse or board. The bottom line is I have the vision not the knowledge. Unfortunately thats a pretty big part. But my heart is in the right place and I know you Katz are trying to make a stake of your own. If anyone can help me get to where I WANT to be not where I should be....you met a friend for life. Thanks. My influencies (sp?) is Tex Avery, Walter Lantz, Jack Kirby, Stan Lee and some guy named Walt Disney:P
hi I am new here and I love animation
Hello everyone, I dream of becoming an animator someday.
gd mrng
hello guys i don't know much more about awn forms right now talk later
Hi everyone
Hello everyone. I am a sound editor and writer for an animated web series. I'll be posting it up and hopefully everyone will check it out. THanks. Peace.
I want access :)
I'm newbie here. Hope you guys could teach me a thing or two about this forum. And hope we could be friend too. :)
Hi everyone, I'm an aspiring concept artist/handrawn animator. I joined up to try and get some tips and keep up with trends. :)
Just join the forum ...
hello everyone i am ashwin from india ,, looking for good colleges and like to discussion with animators or person intrested in animation . and also i like to explore answers and thats y i am here
Hello: My reply to this post.
I am new here and i joined this forum to gain more knowledge in the world of animation. Thanks you all.
Golden Waters,
Hello! New here!
My name is Jason, and I'm new to the forums here at AWN. I'm seeking a Master's Degree in animation and I'm using the forums as one of many factors to help guide my decision on where and what I want to do for this goal! Thanks!
Hi, I'm 18 years old and just joined this forum. I'm not really an animator, but I draw and would be interested it in the future if I can improve some stuff first.
Hello, want to watch Naruto Shippuden Episodes?
Just visit this site Naruto Shippuden Episodes
nice to be here-
happy to be alive
I dont know if I ever replied to this thread....
Hi... Im from the UK and like to doodle, hoping to progress them into something more creative.
Looking forward to being a part of this online community!
Nope, you never did. :D
I am a real person
I'm going through this site to get more familiar with the animation