I'm really enjoying 2D - here's a new piece I'm working on for the 11 second club. Let me know what you think and where I can improve things. I have some things in mind that I'd like to address - like a tree/leaf shake at the end. The main character is a pangolin, an ant eating critter who can curl up like an armadillo.
I have nothing to say as to improvements but I like the piece, very clever. Sorry I can not be more helpful.
One comment I had gotten was to tie the animation in better with the music. I had timed it to work with the phrasing but now I need to hit the beats better. Especially with the tongue, the tail and when he hits the tree and falls flat.
I think it could use a tight shot of one of the ants running up the hill. The tongue could be wriggling behind it in pursuit. It would be fun to see the ant express some defiance (stick out his tongue) before diving into the hole. Play with the conflict; build some tension.
Ted Nunes -
With a twelve day dead line, maybe adding a face shot of an ant might be too much.
Update 2/22
Started to add color, added an eye looking into the ant hole. I think I'm going to show the ant kind of jumping into the ant hole instead of cutting to a close up. I want to stay within the time frame and the cut, IMO, would be too quick.
I do plan on bringing the ant back at the end on top of the anthill looking down at the defeated pangolin. One week left. I think it'll work out.
Your animation has a good feel to it. I do have this idea, you might wont to take one second off the front. It looks like the end runs over the eleven seconds and you might be able to cut one second off the end.
How about shorting the time it take to free his tongue? It looks like you do three pulls on the tongue, maybe just one strong pull?
Your ideas, I think, are great.
I've played around with shortening some scenes - some hold up better than others. The intro works well with the music and allows the viewer to take in what's happening so I think it's going to stay as is. But the ending ... I'm actually playing around with "time stretching" in after effects speeding up the ending a little. Same action just over less time. It actually makes it snappier. But I have find just the right amount.
I don't have to stick to 11 seconds exactly but I want to keep it close.
Sounds good, I know you are coming down to the wire fast. When you get your eCritique are you planning to make changes in your clip?
Depends on the recommendations. If I can fit it in and it improves the piece than absolutely. However, I don't want to get bogged down with too many redo's. It might be more useful to take all the lessons learned and apply it to the next project. It's only my second 2D animation so I have a lo-o-o-o-ng way to go and tons to learn.
Quick question, are you using the Movie feature of Painter, if not then how are you building your animation?
Initial drawings on paper, scanned into PhotoShop CS2 (clean up/color); compositing in AfterEffects. Final editing/audio in Final cut pro. I can clean up and color my PSD files and they're automatically updated in AE.
It's a fast, easy workflow but it's clunky when it comes to timing. I need to look into other 2D packages if I want to venture into lip sync. Or, more to the point, I need more experience working out my frame count and timing. I don't use exposure sheets but I plan to for my next project.
updated version - submitted for Feb 11 sec
here's the updated version. I plan on redoing the second half. I really want to get a better sense of pulling back.
Hey b'ini,
I haven't been on in awhile.
I like it. It is totally cute. The music is quite funny to go along with his problem too.
I can see you like 2D. Keep up the good work.
Nice job!!