Hey everyone, I've been doing a bunch of behind the scenes video podcasts for my short film "Pigeon: Impossible." I'm trying to keep them focused on techniques so it shouldn't matter what 3D software package you use. Let me know if you have any ideas for upcoming episodes!
Podcast #009 is up and talks about setting up an FK arm with some extra functionality.
i love the podcasts, its great to be able to see the process in which you work, pidgeon impossible itself looks stunning, keep up the good work
They're fun...
...AND edumactional! ;)
Good stuff!
SPLAT digital
Thanks guys! Podcast #10 is online and goes through a pretty standard way to set up IK-FK blending. It also shows some handy tricks for tweaking and optimizing it.
Podcast #011 is up and talks about how we handled the cloth simulations (or lack thereof).
indeed a learning experience to see the process! would you model a crow for me! i have a Crow story set in india!
Podcast #012 is up and talks about the importance of promoting and supporting your film as it begins its film-festival run. We'll be back to more CG-related matters next week. :)
Great podcasts and the film looks awesome. Bookmarked.
Thanks! Podcast #013 is up and shows an idea for achieving real-time motion blur, as well as a more cartoony smear blur that could replace motion blur entirely in certain animation styles.
We just released the Pigeon: Impossible trailer! There’s several viewing options available, including HD versions on the top of the homepage:
Podcast #014 is online and explains why the film took so long to make, and how you can avoid the same mistakes.
Finally got to a high speed connection so I could see your work. Very interesting and I hope to have some questions for you in a week or two.
Cool, fire away! In the meantime, podcast #15 is up and talks about motivating a character’s actions with thought and emotion, as well as physical anticipation.
Podcast #16 is online and covers how to develop a "motion language" for a character that helps to create a consistent and unique personality.
Podcast #17 is up and talks about the wing controls, broken rigging, and other tricks we used to rig the pigeon.
This is a such good demonstration of a community help!
I love your work, it's amazing! considering the time spent on the project, the amount of information that you have learned is amazing.
thanks for sharing your thoughts, ideas and enthusiasm!!
keep on rockin :)
Visit my site
We just released Pigeon: Impossible! I started a different thread:
Or you can go directly to to watch it.
Hey everyone, I know its been a while, but I'm finally starting to release the last episodes of the podcast. #20 is now online and talks about the two different approaches to CG animation: Pose-to-Pose and Layered
Well, its finally coming to a close... the final 3 podcasts are now online! Also be sure to show your support for Pigeon: Impossible by buying a DVD!!!
#21 shows several tips and tricks that didn’t fit into the other podcasts:
#22 is an audio interview with composer Christopher Reyman:
#23 is an audio interview with sound designer David Bewley:
Youtube is not working, I will try again tomorrow.
Thanks guys! Sorry it took so long to respond. I was out of town for three weeks starting the festival stuff. Anyways... podcast #18 is online and talks about a few shots we lit “all in the render" and how that compares to a multipass approach.
Podcast #19 is up and shows some tricks for optimizing your renders and dealing with expansive environment shots.
I just wonted to say that I am following your pods
I just edited out my question because your video answered it.