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Collaboration For An Animation

I have a story about a kid being kidnapped in Italy and an investigator being hired to find her (I wouldn't post it here in case someone steals it.Whoever will be picked will get the story and additional, private guidelines that only the most Professional will receive.) I need a animation about it using bright colors; personality filled, detailed characters; backgrounds; textures; and lip sync. If you do you will be paid $600, get credited, and get a portion of the revenues. Anyone interested must have three years or more in experience. Then they must respond below telling me they will do it. Whoever has the most experience will be picked. Good luck and I hope to work with you soon! :D
-Jacob Kennedy

Ken Davis's picture
Submitted by Ken Davis on

Hi Jacob-

I do not want to stomp all over your work offer here, but I have some questions and insights for you.
Question being: how long is your script?

May I assume its going to least 10 pages long, and likely as long as.........50 pages??

I'm glad to see that you are offering cash compensation, which (candidly) is more than is offered in similar ventures............but........
You are asking for talent with experience, which says to me you are seeking talent with industry experience, correct?

I'll give you some info here to ponder:

Typically, a single script page works out roughly to about 1 minute or run-time (or for our purposes here, about 1 minutes of animation).

1 minute of animation is about 1440 frames.
Most animation is broken down into feet in terms of measurement, and 1 foot of film is equivalent to 16 frames.
Therefore, one minute of animation is about 90 feet.
A skilled animator can usually produce about 5-10 feet of animation a week, working full-time--so 1 minute of animation can take about 9 weeks to complete, at minimum.
That's just one minute--as we are assuming here its just animating ONE character, and no effects. obviously the more characters in the shot, and any effects adds to that time.
I'll also assume that you need to have the characters designed, as well as locations, colour styling--and the animation sequences storyboarded?
Obviously, those are additional tasks that take place before animation even begins.
The reason I'm mentioning this to you is that you are, unfortunately, very UNlikely to get serious responses to your offer--mostly because I don't think you fully grasp
The amount of work you are asking someone to do.

Your basic story sounds like its going to be somewhat complex, thus I assume the script is going to be longer than those 10 pages I used as an example.

You might be asking that someone commit to your project, full-time, for a period of a year or longer--for $600, and non-guaranteed revenues.
Forgive me, but that is asking a lot.

"We all grow older, we do not have to grow up"--Archie Goodwin ( 1937-1998)


It's a one page story with dialogue, 9 characters, and dialog. The animator needs to spread it out so to me it seems okay for $600. If no one here will do it, I'll search until someone agrees. Someone has to want money for a month or two of animating work.

bikram_naskar's picture

Hello ,

We have been operating as a largest animation studio in Eastern India. Our 90% of clients being from Europe and 10% from rest of the world.

We have developed our skill sets in various tools which might originally not be your requirement .However, in these years with niche projects and highly skilled clients, we have gained thorough expertise in various domain ( 2D - Digital , Cell, 3D ) ( ). We have also done the pre production/ production of our in-house 35mm full length animation movie Cheenti Cheenti Bang ( ) which has got global accreditation as we have been nominated for various film festivals like... Monkey King Awards - China, Anima Film Festival - USA, BAF - India. This rich experience makes us more versatile and eager to provide service utility globally.

We also have successfully done a few corporate presentations which have been highly appreciated.

Therefore, we would be privileged if we can provide our services to your organization. Please feel free to get in touch with us for any ongoing / upcoming projects you have and we would love to offer you our best services as lucrative rates.

skinnylizard's picture


in all honesty i think you are probably 14-18 years old with an over active imagination (which is a good thing) but with little or no idea about the animation or any other business in general.

at 600$ a day you might find someone to do all the work you asked for but even the most wretched animator in the most wretched of locations will not do this much for you for 600$ (these are american dollars right?)


I don't have a brief but I do have a script and a story. And the conditions have changed. You will not have to design the characters or do the storyboard. I have someone to do it for you. But you still will have to bring personalities to the characters, do the backgrounds, animate it, and sync the words that they say. The budget has has also been raised to $750. Are you still interested, then contact me at for the story and script.

Submitted by JDKINFINITY on

and cure cancer?

No, the conditions have again slightly changed. I've bumped it up to $1,960.