Although i'm off to Dallas in a few hours on business, I've started this new character. Originally the guy had no forehead and even though it's generally wrong i liked it anyway. Then I redrew him with a deep oval sloping forehead, which makes him more plausable. The last is a quick expression sketch. I'm taking my materials with me, so I hope to have him more fleshed out when i get back.
Started working on a one-eyed Gremlin...I'm thinking he was responsable for America's involvement in World War 2....
...Going to pick up a new scanner at the end of the week so that I don't have to continue taking digital pics.
:Edit: Added structure to the neck and put it under ink.
Starting the build process in Maya. The Centurion lines up pretty well, but I'll need to address alignment in future drawings...guess i rushed it...
And the Gremlin with the Princess...
I'm an amiture gynocoligist, and a pregnant one legged princess is very curious to me:rolleyes: hummmmmmmmmmmmm?
hahahahahahaha just kidding, great stuff man keep it is her name,
Princess Ileane?
Uhm...A-sexual reproduction followed by a c-section?, but then where's the fun in that?
This is a character named Topher. He's kind of a traveling wizard/artist type that tells a story about the people he meets in his travels. Not finished by a long shot, but it gives a general idea of the direction.
hahahaha Dude keep them coming!
I really like topher, nice concept too! Hope to see more of him as you play around with the character!
Yours Truely
Da' Phreak
Neville Howard.
Another revamp of Topher, getting closer to the clothing. In most cases, wizards have little material possessions, in this case he mainly carries a paintbrush and spellbook. I also began a study of expressions. I hope to get a scanner soon, until then I continue to flush my digitals through PS.
This is a fire elf design I was working on last month. I have been reading Ken's thread on his observation's of the Animation world and how important it is to be able to switch genre's and line style, anyway, here's the post....
got a new scanner...sure helps...
:D really nice work there, You working on a pitch?
Actually this batch isn't for a pitch, but I have another project that I think might be. This is an exercise in bringing a project from concept to completed form. What final form these guys might take still remains unanswered.
one of the toons topher meets during his travels...
Now I really like this guy .....are there more like him?
Thanks for the support. He has already undergone revision which is typical of my characters. I will revise many times over until I have found the most plausible idea. Here he is again along with another friend...more on the way, and then a line up of the cast with some color comp work.
propz on the designs..i would love to see one of these inked up and colored, keep at it man! works looking great ;)
The cast
Here's the line up as it stands now. Topher you'll recognize, the others are those he meets during his artist adventures. I have inked the lines to make them easier to see while they go through the digital color process, but you should be able to get a good idea. I particularly like this type of layout where you can see how they all compare in size. It's the first time I've done this. The tallest image (ostrich type) is about 9 inches tall to give you an idea of size.I am refraining from giving their names or talking about the story premise right now and as always C&C's are welcome.
finished concept
Just throwing up the final result...thought it came out o.k. I'm going to get into the full rendering now.
so what program did you paint this with?
looking good
looking cool man, nice fur feeling
My sketch thread
The top image was done with Corel painter. This one I finished out this morning with Illustrator. C&C's welcome...
An alternative concept to the Ice giant posted before...
A set of boots for our nerdy hero character...basically an Ironman spoof...too much geo, but what the hell...
Hmm, looks like you've been sneaking around my workplace, 'cause I recognize every single one of those nerds and geeks...
I like that alt Ice giant...
Clinical Faces
Had to spend some time at the hospital the other night waiting for my's a few meanderings...
I finished out the Iron Splat! model a while ago now...I have something else coming soon.
* and I corrected the short arms after it was done as well...
Heh, well, I sure didn't see the rest of the character coming just judging from the big boots. Will there be textures?
No textures just yet. My collection is eclectic here. I probably should have stayed with one thing and just worked it through. I think that's why your thread is so successful, aside from the obvious fact that your just damn talented. Anyway. I did throw some base color and light on it, but i just have to many things to draw and work to bother with it to much...oh well.
I actually 'work in spurts' when I'm just doing something for myself. And talent, eh, that's so ambiguous. Usually after looking around some illustration websites that's when I start cropping my portfolio violently and relebntlessly, getting rid of all the unworthy stuff.
working up a new 3d design at the threedy comp.
cant wait to be able to get back to the color on it, but it will have to wait for now...
wow those are some really clean pieces of work! well done!
William Wright, its you! the hero of KVATCH!
Hey all,
I made the decision to stop posting here and started up a DA page inorder to refocus my direction and get a more consistent body of work together...thanks for all the well.