I wanna choose a 3D animation/VFX course of 1 year and have zeroed down on VFS and Vanarts. Tution fees of VFS is double that of Vanarts (Canadian $ 25,950)...which is a huge difference. Need some advice on to why this is and is VFS really worth it and why?
Any other advice on the topic will be helpful.
From what perspective are you asking that question Aadi?
The 3D Animation and VFX program at VFS has three possible "streams." (Modeling, Animation and VFX) Any thoughts on which stream you would like to compare?
I was in charge of the VFX Stream at VFS between Spring of 2004 and Summer of 2005 so I have a little insight of that side of things...
Appearently they are both quite decent programs. They both have their own pro's and con's which could be weighed towards your career goals.
Hey reasons are:
Animation courses in america are usually 3 yrs+ which i cant afford in time and money. I am 27 yrs and 6 yrs in the field of 3D..mainly doing architectural, logo, educational and few character animations. I am based in India. I kinda want to get into better and more creative stuff...which is not really happening on large scale in India.
My objective is to refresh my basic art skills in 3D animation and VFX, do a smaller course in time and money (but the best one fitting that bill) and then get going in International studios doing films and broadcast (work on higher level as compared to now). Thats what i wud want to do, going further in life. Again in India education is more 3D software based and not art based.
I have heard of Vanarts and VFS for some time now, as few of the better institutes in this field (though there is no such rating available). Would you agree with this?? VFS is Canadian approx 11K expensive than Vanarts.
Are there other institutes which have better repute and similar education/cost structure??
Would appreciate any advice comin in.... thnks Aadi
Did you check out my website?
If you're interested in focussing on VFX you may want to check it out before you make any other serious commitments.
I just uploaded a bunch more images into the Gallery, you're the first to know!
Also, I have a new student montage in the works... Still a bit more work to do on the edit but we should have something together over the next couple weeks.
I can't wait to share how well everyone's been doing, the Stills just don't do justice.
What is your goal?
If your goal is a top tier job as a 3D animator, make sure you have strong representational fine art skills. The best companies still look at life drawing and classical animation demo reels a well as 3D. Its foolish to fast track unless you have the skill base. Check out Max the Mutt Animation School in Toronto. Our program is deep, classes are small, instructors are top professionals, and our graduates are doing very, very well. Our tuition is very fair for international students- $9500 Canadian per year! (
Lost Boys Learning - Spring '07 VFX Student Show Reel
Hey Aadi,
Just thought I'd mention that I recently posted a new Student Montage up on our website.
I posted a link to it under "Show and Tell."
Check it out if you want to see what sets us apart from the other VFX schools.
Capilano College's Digital Animation program! North Vancouver B
The eight month Digital Animation program is the best bang for the buck. About $8,000 Cdn for the program if you're Canadian, about a third more than that if you're not. It's a public school with strong ties to the industry (industry scholarships) and an excellent track record.
Go to and check out the gallery. The annual grad show is coming up on April 28 if you're in town. You can talk to the grads and instructors. Also one of the most successful classical and digital 2D career programs is the Commercial Animation program. That one is two years long @ about $3,300 Cdn per year and has a first year Mentorship Fast Track Program with Bardel Entertainment (3 first years get a paid internship working directly under the art director, head of story or head of design at Bardel) and a $2000 scholarship+paid summer internship at Studio B Productions. Go to the alumni blog: to see what the grads are doing now.
Good luck!
VFS or VanArts...
If you want to read opinions from graduates from both Vanarts and VFS visit the links below. They're very in depth, with varying perspectives from different types of students.
Here are a couple reviews here for Vanarts
And here are a couple more for VFS
There's also reviews for Cap, Lostboys Learning, Think Tank, etc...
Good luck with your education.
The other thing is the course
The other thing is the course load. VFS is demanding. You probably wont have too much of a life when you go there. The teachers will not hold your hand either its like any school you need to put in the work to reap the rewards. So use your free time to try new techniques learn your program inside out watch tutorials that sort of thing.2V0-620 PDF
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Hey there I am from India
Hey there I am from India and I want to study GameDesign in Canada Any idea which college should I approach to and I want to study a undergraduate programme not a Post Graduate,And I know character design in maya,zbrush ,and a little about Cinema 4D, And currently learning substance painter.So can anyone help me which one to choose ?