Peter Wassink - Digital 2D Animator
I watched the new Pixar trailer today but am sorry to say i'm getting turned off by the overacting.
the chase is beautifully done and everything looks gorgeous and i would not expect anything less from Pixar, but then the acting what is with that?!
This monologue! its totally Generic and lacks all character
I mean try and mimic what he does... it is so over the top it looks like silent movies(1920's) acting... i mean come on do you know anyone who talks like that?
I feel its not a portrayal of a character, its the portrayal of what the animator thinks is expected from an animated character.
It seems pixar is getting less good at portraying live, the animators instead seem to be trying to portray previous disney animation, its a shame.
Has anyone seen the clips that were shown on an ABC morning show where they aired a profile on Brad Bird regarding his academy award nomination. They aired a few clips of Ratatouille including some rough animation, story meetings and more. It's very interesting. I think the clip in question is also online on youtube...
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Right now, it reminds me of KFC ... and this short from Gobelins Cocotte Minute but I think it looks cute. I'll hold off judgement 'til I see the whole thing.
KFC? As in Kentucky Fried Chicken?
Just wondering what about Ratatouille reminds you of the "Cocotte Minute" short? I really like that short. Anything that comes out of Gobelins is really top notch.
the Ape
...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."
KFC - this might be a NYC thing, but folks caught several rats running around a Kentucky Fried Chicken in broad daylight. They videotaped them with their cell phones and it was all over the news - ad naseum. The real thing ...
But back to the film! I thought the chase scene, running around corners and the throwing of knives pretty similar.
Ok, I know what you're talking about with the KFC thing now. Makes me happy I never eat at KFC's.
Yeah, I can see how the knife thing is simular, but that teaser isn't part of the real movie. PIXAR always animates their teaser trailers strictly for teasers.
There was a full Ratatouille trailer with Chinese subtitles up on but looks to be taken down on the request of Disney. I'm sure Disney will screen it in front of "Meet the Robinsons," which might actually get me to see that movie.
the Ape
...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."
Ratatouille is out and I just saw it. The animation is very nice and I must say that the blending of the 2D and 3D styles is working for me now. The only negative is the story start running a little slow and I could see the influence of game industry in the action scenes. Got to sell those products.
It is a nice show to watch and there is the bonus of the Pixar short "Lifted".
I agree disagreefully with this thread's originator; I agree that the acting was disappointing, but not because it was overly broad - but because it was, to me, too slow, too restrained, too staid and predictable. But then that's my reaction to all CG animation - I guess it's just the mechanics of the medium.
Animation is best when it's got acting like the old silent films - those actors really knew how to act, they really put their all into it. What do you want instead - motion-capture?
that new trailer looks really magical. Lovely character design, staging, lighting. The environment of Paris and the kitchen with it's steamy kettles etc is really executed VERY well. The acting in the trailer seems VERY rich and wonderfull. Another HUGE step forward in 3D character animation, especially the human characters, but also the rat himself. Awesome mix between naturalistic animal movements and human characteristics. Awesome! Can't wait to see it!
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oh wait, i can't believe i forgot about gobelins' brilliant stuff, so that comment was insane.
It's not life. It's a talking rat. I do agree with you that the chase sequence is really well done. It's amazing that they are able to make this cartoony rat move and scurry like a real life rat.
But yes, I do see what you're saying about the over acting.
the Ape
...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."
I thought the animation including the acting was great all around...
I'm really looking forward to this movie. Brad Bird is such and awesome director.
Ratatoulli, Bee Movie, and The Simpsons Movie (hooray for fully animated 2D!!), are all on the top of my "must see" list this year. Everything else is just kinda... blah.
I dunno, something about that grey rat makes me think of Grover from Sesame Street.
It is amazing, I was thinking about starting a thread about constructive criticism of feature films. I have not seen the full trailer for "Ratatoville" but the clip that I have seen given me some pause for concern for this feature. The animation looks like Pixar's usual high quality fair. This movie may obey the maxum, "A chief is only as good has his ingredients."
For now I have no constructive remarks to make but I will most like go to see it. "Hoodwinked" as a feature that gave me pause and now I am hoping to see it in Blu-ray soon.
I only buy Blu-ray now but this is a different thread. :D
I saw the one trailer a while back in December, I quite liked it. Of course, there is the danger of over-sentimentality (but most movies these days do that...I've seen Open Season, and that's just a bit too far, even for me...and we're talking about a guy who is inspired by Blue Sky's work for Ice Age and Ice Age 2 here).
Let's remember that animation is not a reproduction of life, but a comment on it. It's not supposed to be all-realistic. Otherwise, why don't we choose live action? This is a pot-hole I used to fall into...taking too much from life. You can observe from life, but there is no way a rat is going to talk like that (unless some scientist has invented a drug and infringed Warner Bro's copyright, if you know what I mean ;)). With animation, we have to try to hop off of the realism train. Even when we're being realistic, we're still not. There is always something there that makes animation unique. Something impossible.
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