Sketch smetch, I'm a puppets kinda guy myself.
Here're a still from my current (...unending?) project:
And the latest puppet for the same film:
I'll be putting up some early sculpts for a few 3d puppets as well, but that will be later...probably after I finish them.
propz on the work man.. be cool to see these in motion, thanks for shareing :)
A study for a rat's head

And a sculpt for a cute fish

...I'm about ready to cast this one, but am having a bit of trouble with my mold making compound as of late. The last time I tried to use this stuff (two part urethane compound), I was living in New Mexico, now I'm in New York. The only options I can think of are that the altitude difference has had some effect (about 7,000 feet of difference, so maybe) or that in the six months between now and then my product has simply outlived it's usefulness.
Anyone familiar with urethane rubber compounds care to give me some advice?
Howdy and welocme to the forum.
Your question about the urethane compound. It's the alttitude. I found the some problems just purchasing some clay products in southern Cali and then trying to work with them in reno nevada. My skullpy even acts differently.
But hey fun stuff I agree with nonsense....I'd love to see these move
Thanks cartuneman, I was hoping it was altitude and not age. Hopefully I can make a few adjustments to the mixing proportions to compensate for it's weirdness.
As soon as I have a chance to tinker with my web hosting I'll be getting some motion tests online and hopefully a quick clip from the silhouette project.
Thanks for the interest guys!