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Romance on AWN

By fybs | Friday, January 5, 2007 at 10:04am

Fybs Claudio Ravenstein

The passion of animation that forces us to be animation artists leads us in many cases to a very lonesome road. Only the ones that have this passion to sit hours; days; months and years in front of the light box or computer to complete his/her work, knows of the solitude of countless, lonesome hours a animation artist has. Many relationships end if the partner does not share the same passion or if she/he has not at least some sympathy for it.

The love life of an animation artist differs in many ways of the average employee, and therefore I think it is by time that there is some kind of dating service within the animation world.
Of cause there are plenty of dating services in the net but for an animator they are a waste of time. One writes and reads and meets up on a date, just to find out that one of the most important thing is missing. Namely the same passion and interest within the animation that sparks up the fire of love.
An animation artist needs an animation artist, just like a baker needs a baker to find in his/her path of life the luck that he/she was born for.

What do you think?
You might be laughing but I am prepared to make a start….fybs seeks a female animation artist anywhere in the world. I will learn to accept and maybe love her unchangeable faults. Maybe she is not even career orientated and therefore she concentrates her self more in the art and meaning of her or our communal projects, to give it as a present to the human race. And if this love and passion is strong enough I am sure that the career comes on its own if we allow it to come…

Well, I might write something like that.
What do you think, should we make some kind of dating service for animators in the awn forum, or should the lonesome animator continue his isolated work without the love from its likeminded partner that stands beside?
Should we continue to leave it within the hands of destiny and once more realise that it wasn’t the right person again?
Obviously, the wrong person can also happen between two animation artists but the chances to meet the right partner are very much higher.

I am looking forward to read what you think about it and any idea how to do this thing.
It could be a lot of fun.

Fybs. :)

fybs's picture
Fybs Claudio Ravenstein

DSB's picture
Submitted by DSB on

The best thing that ever happened to me was when my first fiancee broke up with me - two weeks before our wedding - to date one of my best friends. As "Peyton Place" as that sounds, she had very specific ideas about what constituted being an adult, and drawing funny pictures for a living wasn't included in that list.

As painful as it was at the time, ultimately I ended up with a wonderful, caring woman who has been more supportive than I had any right to expect her to be. No, she's not an animation artist - can't even draw - but she does love cartoons.

Ken Davis's picture
Submitted by Ken Davis on

I AM laughing.


The forums here seem to best serve the professional and educational concerns of the members. Their love/sex lives are an arena that need not be delved into because that exists (and SHOULD exist)outside of those concerns.
Most animators work in studio-hence, SOCIAL--situations anyway.

If someone wants some nooky--there's MANY dedicated on-line services for finding someone, like Udate and E-Harmony. For about $40-$50 you can have access to people from all over the world, not just someone you'll find in a office.

It'd be like a forum about sharing recipes---I don't think it would be of any real value here.

BTW, I met my wife on Udate, an on-line service--so I sure as shootin' wouldn't call them a waste of time.

"We all grow older, we do not have to grow up"--Archie Goodwin ( 1937-1998)

Cobster's picture
Submitted by Cobster on

I think this is a relevant post for this forum. It acknowledges the solitude and isolation of being an animator and newbies might want to be aware of that.

I'm not sure about starting a dating thread on this forum, but I may have felt differently about this if I was single. I think you just have to try and get some life/work balance and get out and meet people. My boyfriend isn't an animator, but he's very supportive, although he can't believe the length of time it takes to anything :rolleyes: . He works in IT and he has interests and skills that are attractive to me and sometimes useful for what I do. Animators don't have to be with other animators, just someone who's patient and understanding.

I say, good luck in your quest for love, Fybs.

Visit my website:

Claire O'

ScatteredLogical's picture

I always thought the dichotomy was interesting...a younger animator such as myself tends to gravitate towards isolation just because learning and competing for work involves a sort of dedication, and that can often mean isolation.

Yet the animators that are more established, almost without fail, are in deeply committed relationships or already married.

We are a very fertile people!

Jabberwocky's picture
Submitted by Jabberwocky on

(Mental note: animation is not hereditary.)

DIEMERAS Dark Angel's picture

The best thing that ever happened to me was when my first fiancee broke up with me - two weeks before our wedding - to date one of my best friends. As "Peyton Place" as that sounds, she had very specific ideas about what constituted being an adult, and drawing funny pictures for a living wasn't included in that list.

As painful as it was at the time, ultimately I ended up with a wonderful, caring woman who has been more supportive than I had any right to expect her to be. No, she's not an animation artist - can't even draw - but she does love cartoons.

I am elated that you found someone who will truly care for you DSB and the art of your passion--I really am. To have endured what you have endured in the beginning of your first roamnce is painful without retribution. I think that love is common and love is blind, too many people fall in love or begin relationships based upon what their parther can offer me, or what you can do for me in this relationship (you know, material needs), rather true sentimental feelings that cannot die. I believe that is the way it should be, but our culture teaches us that a relationship and any part thereof should carry it's own weight, until it is unbearable and we go our seperate ways. For someone who is green in the art of romance, watching people enter relationships and dissolve that parthnership within mere hours, weeks or just a few years tells me that maybe that's all a relationship is..a parthnership, one that has benefits and limitations depending upon the individual's liability. But having a dating service here at AWN (in my opinion), should not be, because I believe that you can fall in love anywhere, you just have to let destiny take it's course. Stupid me, but in the end, it is not up to me to decide but the veteran members and moderators. You will find love my friend, no matter if it takes forever, because true love never dies and always withstands the test of time.

He who seeks the truth, must first empty his heart of a false pursuit.

Diemeras Dark Angel

Larry L.'s picture
Submitted by Larry L. on


I have been very fortunate to have married my best friend. We met over 30 years ago. She was a survey-statistician for the Census Bureau and I, I was a animator, working on Star Trek, The Movie, for an animation company in the D.C. area. We met on the volleyball court and ...that was it. She had no idea what an animator did- just that I was some kind of artist. We are in our 28th year of marriage- three "children" the last was married this summer.

Jabber has met my wife- he can vouch on what an amazing person she is...and charming, intelligent, beautiful and really, really patient.

I say find someone who wants to share the "adventure".

I don't know that anyone needs a dating service let alone one for animators. Be yourself and do what you enjoy doing and you will meet someone along the way.

I will also say that we are working on the 5th couple who have met in one of my animation classes or who have worked for me....Four other couples have met and have married. Yes, I am a hopeless romantic...but I do enjoy playing cupid.

When I teach portfolio class, I do a section on relationships- it is more of a reality check.

Thanks. This thread reminded me of how much I have to be grateful for...

Jabberwocky's picture

Jabber has met my wife- he can vouch on what an amazing person she is...and charming, intelligent, beautiful and really, really patient.

She brought us candy!
Seriously, it's all true. She takes a genuine interest not only in her husband's work, but also in that of her husband's students. Studying under the Laurias was among the most pleasant things back then in Cologne.

fybs's picture
Submitted by fybs on

Thank you all for your consulting and kind words, and for being so open about your intimate relationships.
It is also nice to see that talking about love in a professional animators forum is not taboo.

It was again my egoism talking when I wrote the thread.
The search for love, the search for the other halve, is merely the egoism trying to be complete.
Physically, and that’s what our egoism cares for, we are either a man or a women and therefore not complete. We are a halve of the whole. A romantic love affair promises us the liberation from fear, indigence, privation and imperfection. One is no longer a joined fragment to a loveless universe and we fool ourselves in thinking that those feelings are gone.
We are under sedation, a drug so called love until we find the opponent pole hate, and we mistake love for clinging on to our ego.
We can not at one moment love our partner and then hate her/him, for real love doesn’t know the opposite. If there is the opposite found in our love, then it is not love but a strong necessity of our ego to find a deeper and perfected self assurance, a desire that is temporarily fulfilled by the other person.

I am glad for some of you that have found real love, and yes you are right, it does not matter if she/he can draw silly pictures. Guess my time will come too, for life is full of surprises and I love every moment of it.

Thanks again for your great feedback. :)

Fybs Claudio Ravenstein

Ken Davis's picture
Submitted by Ken Davis on

Why don't we consider a recipe forum, or a home reno-deco forum?
A bodies gotta eat, and has to make their place livable?
How about a politics forum........and one dedicated to Nascar??
How about model-making, and air-jamming? A jogging forum? Fashion? Surfing?
Gross surgery TV-shows? Nigerian Sausage-making?? POPCORN!!???!!!
All of those are on the minds of animators, too.

In fact, why not completely abandon discusion of animation and related topics, for stuff that has nothing to do with animation?:rolleyes:

"We all grow older, we do not have to grow up"--Archie Goodwin ( 1937-1998)

Jabberwocky's picture

Eh, there are worse things than arbitrary topics. 'sides, this is a café.

cartoonchaos's picture

Eh, there are worse things than arbitrary topics. 'sides, this is a café.

I agree.

Also... we're animators. Aren't we students of life? Relationships and dating, even being lonely at our desks working... they're a part of life... don't we breathe that life into our work?

I say talk about whatever... won't hurt.

P.S. I've met Larry's wife too. Yes, she's awesome. :cool:

Follow @chaostoon on Twitter!

mr. meriwether's picture

wow, just when I thought this forum had reached a level of bordedom equal to an accounting firm picnic, this hilarious topic comes up...the only thing funnier than lonely fat boys masturbating over their pneumatically enhanced science fiction comic babes is the thought of them shedding a tear that they're still virgins and can't find that perfect Jeri Ryan who understands their juvenile obsessions.
..Please keep the lonelyhearts comments coming.
(oops, Mom's calling..gotta run)

Onan the Barbarian

phacker's picture
Submitted by phacker on

You can always post personals in the Flea Market forum, nothing to stop you, might spice that section up a bit.

Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.

phacker's picture
Submitted by phacker on

I am with Chaos and Jabber nothing wrong with a few off animation topics in the cafe. Get a little tired of all the "which are the best school", and "software" discussions.

Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.

b'ini's picture
Submitted by b'ini on

Here's a movie recommendation: The Painted Veil. It's not animated, but it is beautifully done (and a great date movie). Find out how an introvert and an extrovert can make it work. Don't forget, you have to unplug sometimes, too. Life, despite what the book says, isn't an illusion.


DSB's picture
Submitted by DSB on

The CG one was in one of the animation theaters at SIGGRAPH a couple of years ago. Nice piece of work.

The 2D one is cute too.