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The BoogieBunny!

Hey all,

Here is a short animation I created of a dancing bunny (I did the music, too):

I am testing a new ad supported video sharing system from a company called Basically, I get a small amount of money each time the ad at the end is clicked. Its too early to tell if it will be profitable.. but I am hopeful. It would be so awesome to have a way to get paid decently for independent animation.

Anyway, thanks for looking, let me know what you think, and pass it along if ya want :)

Shawn McInerney
MooseMouse Media, Inc.

JerryK's picture
Submitted by JerryK on

very fun animation -very snappy - it reminds me of snoopy dancing :)

phacker's picture
Submitted by phacker on

What I saw looks good, but it stopped and locked up on me half way through, even though the progress bar showed that it had been totally downloaded. Tried it twice.

Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.

MooseMouse's picture
Submitted by MooseMouse on

Thanks for the feedback :) :)

phacker, the lock-up could be just a part of my animation. I had the bunny do this little pause about half way through. If I had time I would go back and change it a little because it makes it seem like the video freezes. Could this be what's going on for you?

Shawn McInerney
MooseMouse Media, Inc.

phacker's picture
Submitted by phacker on

Maybe? It just kind of stalls in the middle then he abruptly sits down and it ends. Was that how you made it?

Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.

MooseMouse's picture
Submitted by MooseMouse on

Nope, that sounds like a file problem. Revver is still in beta, so maybe their servers are slow.

Anyway, thanks for looking and the feedback :)


Shawn McInerney
MooseMouse Media, Inc.