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3d Animated Film Project

We are looking fo artists, animators and other people with the skill and time to commit to a 3D Animated project.
We have access to good rendering power including an SGI Supercomputer.

noodlehead's picture
Submitted by noodlehead on

The project we are working on is Agent Fat. This project is a full length 3D feature film. We have finished the script for the movie and are currently starting on the pre-production phase including but not limited to Story boarding, Character designs, and layout. Once the character design is in motion we can then begin the modeling stage as well. This project is unique that working on it can be done anywhere the way we have setup the project. To be up front with you, as of now the film is not funded. We have several resources for rendering including the use of an SGI super computer, but we haven't acquired a financial backer yet. We are working on the business plan including the pitch so we can follow through to several investors we have in mind. As of now any position filled would be non-paying but would give you an opportunity and experience you may not get otherwise. I'm excited to hear from you and see your work.

Jason Montoya

Ken Davis's picture
Submitted by Ken Davis on


You do understand that what you are offering--"experience and opportunity" pales before the same offers on the paying gigs out there?
A feature film would take a minimum of six months to animate depending on the size of the crew--no-one in their right mind is going to commit to a full-time position of that length without pay.
Getting any kind of talented people doing this for free just won't happen when anyone with the talent to do this work will go for the paying gigs first.
If you want skilled people, you are going to have to pay them.

My advice to to tighten up the business plan, get those investors secured/money in the bank and THEN make the offer of work. Do this properly and you might get respectable talent knocking on your door.

Otherwise you are offering nothing that any sane talent would take.

"We all grow older, we do not have to grow up"--Archie Goodwin ( 1937-1998)

ScatteredLogical's picture

My sister works in entertainment and one time she gave me a call and told me to hit up this guy who found out I'm a student of animation and wanted me checking out his project to be a part of it. It was supposed to be a huge deal because according to this guy, his supervisor is a 27-year Disney vet. It turned out this was the first artistic thing he'd done in ages, he was from Full Sail and not Disney, and I went to go check out the site...Admirably, a decent group of people had chipped away at it for about four years all in their spare time, to get about 10 minutes of movie....the thing is, nobody was paid, and they would just up and recruit people off of CGTalk and places like that, some where it was their first experience, student or money attracts people who aren't educated in animation or film techniques -way better- than anyone who could make it look good...

So it isn't to say, pay people because paying people is cool or the right thing to's actually just that, you have this idea/ want it to look as good as possible, so you have a vested interest in waiting till you can get people on board who are capable of helping you develop an attractive product.

noodlehead's picture
Submitted by noodlehead on

I appreciate the advice and I will definitely keep it under consideration. I want to get a started on it either way. My goal is to be able to pay everyone working on the project and it will get to that point. For now I have to work with what We got. Im not going to trick or lie to anyone about the project. If you want my history, experience or other information I would be glad to give it. This project will move forward and 4 years with only 10 minutes of animation would be completely unacceptable. We are looking for people who are passionate. If I can find some students close to graduation that can spend some time, hopefully within months or a year I can have the funds and provide a job as soon as they graduate.
You guys are right when it comes to making this project and that is what I'm working hard on now to accomplish.


Ken Davis's picture
Submitted by Ken Davis on

Here's something else to think about:
Without pay, who would be obliged to remain on the project at all? How would corrections be justified? What happens with deadlines? Pay isn't just compensation, its incentive as well.
It secures experienced talent, not just fresh-out-of-school students--and the more experienced people you get, the less problems you will have, the better the end-product will look and the more seriously it'll be taken.
To my mind, if this project is truly important to you then why not secure the very best talent you can get, rather than settle for unproven newcomers with no credentials. You'll do that only by either doing it all yourself ( and learning each job in turn) or paying for genuine talent.

If you have a revolving door with people coming and going, not only will your time-line for this go to hash, but the look of the film will be inconsistent from scene to scene. Also, you might want to know that animated films with very low budgets are notorious for having problems. Because the man-hours involved are so labour-intensive staff often leave for better offers, and many, many of these films never see completion.
And these films HAVE secured financing, often up into a couple million or so--and they still collapse.

In forums like AWN, we see "job offers" like this several dozen times a year, and to be blunt, they never amount to anything. The offers get made and the posters disappear and whatever "good" ideas go with them. In a way, its kind of sad because with better planning and patience, some of these ideas might actually see the light of day.

If you want to start now, you are jumping the gun by a large margin. Clearly, you don't have a distributor--which means that once your film gets made, it'll sit until you have one. That is kind of a dangerous gamble because if its not what the distributors want, its all wasted effort.
Based on what I've read on your site, you are about a year or two away, at best, from getting this into production.
Good luck.

"We all grow older, we do not have to grow up"--Archie Goodwin ( 1937-1998)