Message By Echi Echi :D :) :) :cool:
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is anyone intrested in working on my script for a TV SHow pitch.
its called MerivaleTales based on medieval times but set in a fantasy world of magic and sorcecery.
On the outskirts of Merivale lies a stable owned by retired knight and magician named Belzar and his apprentice named Merick who is the orphaned young stable-boy. Merick has always dreamed of become a Knight but he’s dream can only be fulfilled through his training with Belzar, a famous magician. He will travel to various lands on magical adventures with his friend who is an archer and meets an elfin princess.
this is by far what i have come up with. i have been trying to reserch on the medival ages, how their lived and how knights were trained and i could really use from help time to time.
the main plot of the show will be introduced if anyone is intrested..
Anyone Intrested? :)
:confused: [B]Hmmm....sounds like a Harry Potter ancestor, so you need to make sure your characters and stories very different from the G-rated Potter. If your plans are for adult/mature stories, then start by making the knight-in-training an antihero/rogue/rebel/beastly human. If you want to court the kiddie audience, then all hope is lost!
Don't clone, don't copy, don't emulate---be yourself!!!! Then again if you don't have the devil in you, don't pretend!:D
I'd guess the majority of people frequenting this board will be interested in matters of recompensation and legal issues first.
(Quote for American Dragon)
Message By Echi Echi :D :) :) :cool:
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I'm not a writer so this isn't really up my alley. Maybe this is in your main script, but if the stable boy wants to become a knight, why is he training with a magician? Just wondering.
the Ape
...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."
Ape, I think it was lost in translation, the magician is also (in this story at least) a retired he'll get his knight training from that half of Belzar's experience/wisdom...
Right. That makes sense now. Thanks for clearing that up Scattered.
the Ape
...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."
Echi, you should probably solicit help on a writing forum. This is an animation forum.
Writing belongs to animation for me. As does boarding, layout, etc.
I'm just underlining the fact that you will find better, more experienced writers on a writing forum while you'll find substandard writers on an animation forum.
You don't go to a writing forum to find animators, so don't look for writers on an animation forum.
where are there?
what writing forums do u recommended?
Message By Echi Echi :D :) :) :cool:
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My Gallery of My Characters, My Toons, My Life
There's always which is mainly a network for people looking for writing partners and such.
Just do a search and register at the forums with the most activity.
You might want to go for forums that specialize in fantasy or screenwriting.
If you want to be taken seriously, you might want to work on your spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure. I counted 28 errors in your first post. If you're too lazy to crack a dictionary, other writers might believe you're too lazy to collaborate with.