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:) :) Animation works only when u work :) :)

hi guys
i am at present doing a animation course in bangalore, india i am doing 2yr advanced certificate program in 2d & 3d animation[maya specialist] i would like to know in which area i should specialize in order to get a good hi-salary job.i am thinking of doing a degree in autocad is it going to help in any way?plz give me ur suggestions
thank u

rajkumar_dude's picture
:) :) Animation works only when u work :) :)

steelwheels's picture

I think people around you in indian animation industry ought to know more than people on this international forum, because the highest paid ones are the ones on the top of the3d/maya skillset specialists because since outsourced animation is done in lot of indian production houses, thats where people work/jump for the money.

BUT, as a genuine animator it shouldn't matter because most people take it up as a creative artistic outlet for storytelling, taking a financial risk/loan for producing their own movies, in many cases against more "Secure" jobs available today.

In india however, people get into it for some reaons which have nothing to do with the art but only for the labour, the entertaining atmosphere and since its supposedly "fun", though i can assure would be infinitely more satisfying if it was for genuine creative reasons. If youre doing it just for the monmey i dont se much fun in it, even if youre doing actual animation because thers not any part of you in it.

Vineet's picture
Submitted by Vineet on

hi guys
i am at present doing a animation course in bangalore, india i am doing 2yr advanced certificate program in 2d & 3d animation[maya specialist] i would like to know in which area i should specialize in order to get a good hi-salary job.i am thinking of doing a degree in autocad is it going to help in any way?plz give me ur suggestions
thank u

Hey Dude! What are you good at?
- Modelling
- Rigging
- Texturing
- Lighting
- Animating
- Rendering

Or maybe
- Direction
- Storyboarding
- Story writing
- Acting
- Voice/ Mimic
- Music Score

If you have none of these talents you can still get into production :D I still have not told my story! - Vineet Raj Kapoor

Ken Davis's picture
Submitted by Ken Davis on

hi guys
i am at present doing a animation course in bangalore, india i am doing 2yr advanced certificate program in 2d & 3d animation[maya specialist] i would like to know in which area i should specialize in order to get a good hi-salary job.i am thinking of doing a degree in autocad is it going to help in any way?plz give me ur suggestions
thank u

You want a hi-salary job?

You are training for the wrong occupation.

"We all grow older, we do not have to grow up"--Archie Goodwin ( 1937-1998)